But now he raised his head and some instinct for self-preservation stirred within her, and she tried desperately to prepare herself for what came next and fought with equal desperation not to open her mouth and beg him to stay.

Instead of moving off her, he gazed down at her. He didn’t say anything for the longest time, just stared at her before a half-smile formed on the lips that had kissed her with such fervour her mouth still buzzed. ‘Breakfast in bed?’

Relief that he wasn’t planning to leave straight away punched through her with such strength that she couldn’t find the words to speak, could only nod.

‘Good, I’m ravenous.’ His eyes gleamed as he lifted his weight off her. ‘Let’s take a shower together while we wait.’

Her insides froze.

All their lovemaking took place under the protective cover of her bedsheets. She was exposed to him but the magical things he did to her overrode her shyness.

To shower with him? Her nudity on full display under the bright bathroom lights?

A week ago, she would have obeyed without question. She would have hidden her fear and gone along with it to please him.

You have no obligation or duty to please or obey me...

She had to swallow hard to loosen the constriction in her throat before she could speak. ‘I don’t think I’m ready for that.’

He stared at her with that look that always felt as if he was trying to probe into her head, then smiled and gave a nonchalant shrug. ‘No problem. Do you want to shower first or shall I?’

‘I’m sorry.’

He captured her chin in his hand and brought his face to hers. ‘Never apologise for saying no. You first or me?’


‘Then you can order the food. Tell the kitchen I’ll have my usual.’

The relief this time was so overwhelming that her heart calmed. Palming his cheek, she whispered, ‘Thank you.’

He kissed her palm and then kissed her mouth before jumping off the bed.

With the unashamed indifference to his own nudity she was coming to know so well, he strolled to the bathroom.

Shortly, the sound of running water started.

Elsbeth closed her eyes and placed the palm his lips had just kissed to her thrashing heart.

Breakfast was brought to Elsbeth’s bedroom. Dressed only in her silk robe, Amadeo wearing only a towel around his waist, they sat on a wide chaise longue in the corner of the room, Amadeo peppering her with questions about her plans for their garden. It seemed surreal that it was still early morning. Surreal that she was sharing breakfast with her husband and that it felt so right.

She really was starting to think of him as her husband. To feel it too. What she was trying not to do was feel possessive about him, feel as though he was hers. He would never belong to her. Not where it mattered most, with his heart...

Or was she being too cynical? After all, there had been significant changes in his attitude towards her since their marriage. She no longer felt any kind of antipathy from him, no longer felt that she irritated him. Slowly but surely they were building an accord that didn’t just include mind-blowing sex but also a form of friendship.

Was it possible that his heart could be opening to her as her heart was opening to him? She no longer sensed loathing from him, but it was foolish to even hope. Best to enjoy the time they shared together for what it was and what it gave her, and not leave her heart even more vulnerable by daring to dream for more.

‘You know what we were talking about last week, about your mother?’ Amadeo said when she’d finished enthusing about the plants and flowers she intended to grow and the huge greenhouse that was being built for her. The animation on her pretty face had been fascinating. He thought back to the frightened, shy stranger of six weeks ago—not that he’d recognised her fear and shyness for what they were back then—and was awed at her growing confidence. He remembered the first time he’d seen the animated side of her nature, that evening when she’d explained why she’d replaced a masterpiece with a schoolgirl’s amateur painting. It had been the first time a hint of the real Elsbeth had shone through the wind-up doll persona she’d hidden herself behind.

But not all her barriers had been dismantled. The cloak hadn’t slipped off in its entirety.

There was a passionate, sensual woman in there fighting to be released. He could feel that woman when he made love to her, ardent in her responses to him but always holding something back, frightened to take that last step and truly release the shackles her upbringing had placed around her and throw the cloak away. Embrace her sexuality.

Her cup of tea at her mouth, her pretty eyebrows drew together in question.

‘About you pleasing me,’ he reminded her. ‘She told you to always please me in bed?’

Her cheeks coloured prettily and she nodded.