She knew he had to be close to his release when he tossed the bottle aside with a clatter so he could put both hands on her head. His hips thrust forward to take her mouth, overcome with the desire she stoked with every stroke of her tongue. So tempting to let him continue, to allow him to fill her mouth as he cried out…

But she stopped. Stopped, and drew back with a final stroke of her tongue against the head of his cock. He leaned against the wall, breathing hard, eyes closed for several moments before he pried them open to stare at her. “You are an evil woman.”

“Am I?” she asked, as she stood up. “I was just getting you the conditioner.”

“Conditioner is not what you almost got.” He pulled her against him, hard cock tucked against her folds once more. One hand cupped the back of her head to pull her into a hard, hungry kiss. When he spoke, it was growled against her lips. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? How much I want you?”

She suckled his lower lip a moment before replying. “As much as I want you.”

“Then we should rinse your hair so we can get out of the shower,” he said. Gently, he leaned her back, dipping her head beneath the fall of water while keeping her hips locked against his. “We have better places to be.”

She couldn’t disagree. As wonderful as the hot water felt, as his cock felt pressed against her, what she truly wanted would be more difficult in the slippery shower. Once the last of the conditioner had swirled down the drain, she expected he would turn the water off. Instead, he turned her around in his arms, one hand hovering over her mound.

“Let’s make sure we’ve gotten you clean,” he said into her ear.

With the other hand, unhooked the hand-held shower from its wall mount, and brought it around in front of her. She gasped as the stream of water jetted over her clit, her folds, deliciously warm and sensual in the way it ran down her skin.

“Too warm?” he asked.

She shook her head, then let it fall back against his shoulder. “No. Just– Just right.”

“Good.” Now his fingers touched home, stroking the sensitive folds of flesh with gentle but insistent caresses and spreading them apart to give the water greater access. His cock slipped again between her legs to rub against her from behind, his hips tight against hers. Once he had it where he wanted, his fingers stroked down her folds, teased at the entrance to her pussy, then trailed up again to describe slow circles over her clit.

She moaned as he found the perfect angle, the perfect rhythm, slow and constant, warmed by the flow of water. With him touching her so, she couldn’t help but spread her legs wider for him and writhe back against him. His cock twitched between her legs, then stroked against her pussy from below as he, too, found he could not stand still.

His voice, low and husky, sounded in her ear. “When you are moaning my name, when you can barely stand and can’t take it anymore, we will get out of this shower. I will dry you off, then I will carry you to my bed, where I will finally be inside you. I would lay you back, bury my face in you and drive you wild with my tongue, make you come at least twice before I put myself in you, but I don’t know if I can wait that long. I want you, Hanna. Like I have wanted no one else. Ineedyou.”

The words inflamed her as much as his fingers did, arousing her mind with the same insistent teasing as his fingers on her clit. She already trembled and whimpered with every stroke, clung to him with damp hands because her legs didn’t want to hold her weight. All her nerves had turned to embers, hot and near to catching flame. “Greg, please. I want you.”

“Do you?” One finger slid down to tease at the entrance of her passage. “You want me where?”

“Inside me.” She couldn’t help but roll her hips towards his hand, eager for him to touch her harder, deeper.

“Inside you. Do you mean here?” His fingertip dipped inside. Her nerves ignited, burned just beneath her skin.

She cried out, scooped her hips down to plead for more of him within her. “Yes! There. Greg, please, I need to feel you.”

With two fingers, he spread her folds wider, warmed them with the water from the showered. A third finger slipped inside her, bolder now, deeper. It had been so long since she had felt someone touch her there, claim her, the sensation of his finger buried in her walls magnified until it seemed like all she could feel.He’s inside me. Inside me. Between my legs, touching me, inside me…A small voice in her head repeated the thought until it all but consumed her. He was inside her, touching her, claiming her most intimate places, and even the thought of it drove her need higher.

“All I want is your pleasure,” he murmured. “I want to feel you come for me as I make love to you. Tell me you are ready for me, that you will come crying out beneath me.”

By the heat in her belly, the fire throughout her body, she would do all he asked here if he only continued. Part of her wished he would, but her desperate need to release with her pussy wrapped around his cock overrode it. There would be many more times for her to come on his hand, against his tongue. This time, their first time, she wanted her release with him buried inside.

“I’m ready for you. Please. Greg, I love you. I need you inside me.”

“As you wish.” With a final promise of a caress, he let her go. The faucet squeaked as he turned the water off so they could all but dive for the plush towels.

He had promised to dry her, and he did, in the most torturous of ways, with brushes of his fingers and a nuzzle of his lips between her legs. While her body dried, part of her grew wetter instead. She could hardly keep her hands off him when he lifted her into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck to kiss him with ardor while he took them to the bed.

They tumbled together onto the thick, quilted mattress, a tangle of limbs and damp bodies. His mouth pressed to hers before they had even stopped bouncing against the bed, pulling her into a famished kiss. She wrapped one of her legs around his waist to pull him close, to give her the leverage to press her slick folds against his shaft. The mere touch of her softest skin to his cock drew a moan from him, and he propped himself up with one arm so he could shift his position atop her.

She felt her legs nudged further apart by his knees, holding her open to him. The head of his cock nudged against her pussy, hard, heated, demanding. Only then did he break their kiss to look down at her, eyes burning with his desire, to ask the silent question he wanted the final answer to.

“Take me,” she said softly, eyes locked on his. “I’m yours.”

He needed no other urging. One hand reached down between them to guide the length of him forward into her waiting warmth. Hanna felt his cock spread her, open her as even his finger could not, and she wailed his name as his shaft slid home inside her.

For a moment he didn’t move his hips. Arms shaking, chest heaving with the heavy breaths of a man at the edge of his control, he leaned down to claim a smoldering kiss as they both reveled in their connection. As they kissed, their lips and tongues stroking each other’s need, she felt his control break. His hips moved, slow at first, finding the rhythm and angle that made them both cry out.