“How so?”

“They’re a school of sharks. Every one of them has teeth, and they’re glad to find weak places to bite. It’s no secret how everyone was surprised when your grandfather gave the company to you.”

“No one was more surprised than I was.”

“I believe that. I do. They’re harder to convince. About a lot of things.”

“Such as?”

“The board is full of traditionalists. They like certain signs of a person’s character and experience. You were CTO and CIO, sure. But you’re neck-deep in new technology they don’t necessarily understand, you’re full of new ideas…”

Gregory rolled his eyes. “What, do they think I’m going to program an artificial intelligence that’s made specifically to undermine and terrify old white men?”

“No, but your new technology and new ideas are underscored by certain other markers.” Robert pursed his lips. “Now, it’s not me saying any of these things. I want you to understand that.”

Gregory cocked an eyebrow.

“You’re a young, presumably single man.”

Presumably single. Yep. I feel the fight brewing.Gregory kept staring.

“The board likes stability. They like signs you’re on board with traditional values.”

Blink. Stare.

“Every one of them throws parties now and then. You’ll spend most of December attending them. Their wives take great joy in planning and executing those parties. Mark of status, way to show off their homes, and so on. It’s a duty that goes along with being the wife of an important man.”

I really don’t think I like where this is going.“Mm.”

“You’re about to throw a party yourself, Greg. We know you haven’t been planning it. There’s just not enough hours in the day for you to do it, not with everything you do. It’d be a little strange for you to plan it yourself, anyway.”

“No. I haven’t been planning it. That’s what Martin is for.”

“And that’s the problem.” Robert winced. “Martin. Your male secretary.”

“Administrative assistant. Which isn’t, the last I checked, a position determined by gender in our day and age.”

“Our day and age, yes, but their day and age?” Robert shook his head. “There’s a little loose talk, Greg, that’s all. You don’t even have a girlfriend, let alone a wife. You’ve got a maleadministrative assistant, who has his own talk about him, by the way, and he’s doing a wife’s traditional job.”

If I throw this paperweight at Robert’s head, will it help?Gregory slid his tongue over one canine, then said, “So, what you’re saying, Robert, is that I shouldn’t send out invitations to my party. I should send out invitations to the twenty-first century.”

“I’m saying the old farts on the board would screw their own mothers over for less, Greg, and your traditional family values are in question. They’ve been nice out of respect for Henry’s passing. That time is over now. They’ll be looking for excuses to see if they can rattle you, or worse, pitch you out on your ass and take control of the company.” Robert stared at him flatly.

Gregory took a deep breath. He intended to speak, but decided one cleansing breath wasn’t enough, so he let the first one out and tried again. That one gave him enough calm to talk. “I take care of my mother and my ailing grandmother, and they have doubts about my traditional family values. And they believe assuming I’m in a homosexual relationship with my administrative assistant – which should not even be a mark of shame, in this day and age – is a sane, professional, appropriate leap to make.”

“They’re nervous about the change in power, and they’re looking for excuses.”

“They’re going to find something else if they keep it up.”

Robert blinked. “I’m– I’m not sure I’ve ever heard you use that tone. You sound like Henry when he had a thorn in his ass.”

Gregory’s smile held no humor. “If this continues, they’ll be hearing quite a bit of it.”

“There’ll be a time and place for that. My advice is to start more gently.” Robert made a mollifying gesture with one hand. “Show them you’re trustworthy and deserving of their respect. Maybe give them a peek at your personal life. They’ll be in your home. Show them the loving, loyal son and grandson. Talk about starting a family someday. Blow a little smoke up their asses.”

“I’m warning you right now, Robert. If that shit doesn’t stop, the only smoke will be from the fire I lightundertheir asses. I will not tolerate that bullshit in my company.” Gregory had run out of tolerance already. He stood up. “Thank you for coming, and for the information. I’ll see you at the party, right?”

“You will.” Robert took the hint. He stood up and offered another handshake. “Give my best to your grandmother.”