Shivers chased down her spine at his words. She stood and hooked her thumbs into the lacy waistband. For a heartbeat, shyness filled her, as she realized how bare she would be in front of him. How much of her he would see with the burning, hungry gaze he had fixed on her. Then she tugged her panties down, bending over as she forced them over her thighs and to the ground.

A heavy breath escaped him. His lips had parted as he watched her, devoured every motion with his gaze. “Now your stockings,” he said.

Water poured out of the showerhead as she sat down. A chance to heat the shower up while they, too, heated up. She settled on the bench again, its soft cloth brushing her naked backside. He pulled the shower door closed, then leaned against the tall wall of the shower to watch her.

One eyebrow arched. The corners of his lips turned up in anticipation. His eyes flickered down her body, then back up. Warmth flooded her pussy, and she knew she had to be wet. Slick. Waiting for his touch. As she bent one knee and slipped her thumbs beneath the band of her stockings, she realized he might see it. Her position, the lift of her leg, would leave far more of her bare to his view than she had realized.

He had asked for all of her. For all it made her quiver inside, she wanted to give it. Have all of him in return. So she pushed the silk stocking down her leg, painfully slow to tease him. The front of his trousers displayed how much she had already aroused him.

By the time the second stocking rested at the end of the bench, she knew he ached to touch her. His fingertips twitched each time her own fingertips brushed over her skin. Emboldened, she allowed her hand to rest on her thigh, fingers pointed inward. Their gazes locked. She brushed her hand higher until she felt the pad of her finger brush against her folds.

She gasped. His entire hand twitched, and his eyes narrowed. This time, she smirked at him.

“The shower is ready,” he managed to say. “Let’s get in. Get clean.”

Shestood and walked past him to get in the shower. As she did, she brushed her fingertip, the one that had just touched home between her legs, over his lips. A groan escaped him.

Cloth thumped softly as he took off his pants. Through the fogged shower door, she could see the outline of him, erection proud as it stood out in front of him. Another surge of heat filled her belly. While she didn’t like to consider how long had passed since her last time in bed with someone, she knew the smoldering need within her had little to do with that. It was all for him.

Though the shower had plenty of room, he stood against her as he stepped into the stall. Warm water coursed over them as he pulled her back against him, sides to the flow so they could both enjoy the wet heat of the shower. His cock, still hard, slipped between her legs to rest along the outside of her folds, an insistent reminder of his arousal. Yet for one tender span of heartbeats, he did nothing more than embrace her and cherish their closeness.

“Before we go further” he murmured, lips brushing the back of her ear as he spoke. “How much protection do you want to use?”

Her respect for him grew. Setting expectations at the outset, and ensuring they both knew how they wanted to proceed, aroused her just as much as the shaft between her legs. “I have an implant. And I did the medical assessment for employment, so you knew I wasn’t bringing anything in that could compromise Vivian’s health.”

“I appreciated you doing that, by the way.” One of his hands stroked up her belly, towards her breasts, idle motions as he spoke. “The advantages of good health care and a liberal, open-minded woman to raise me is a clean slate for me, too. I’m still glad to use a condom if you prefer.”

“No, it’s all right. I trust you.” To prove it, she rocked her hips back, grinding her backside against him and sliding his shaft against her folds.

He groaned and shifted his hips, backwards then forward again. The head of his cock nudged at her before it slipped along her pussy. “Then all that remains to ask is, is that conditioner all right for your hair?”

Given the brand on the small bottle, his just-in-case sample conditioner was better than the one she picked out for herself. “Heavens yes.”

“Good.” He threaded his fingers into her hair to begin the process of removing pins and pulling down the updo she’d worn for the party. “Just turn around and stay against me. I want us both begging for it by the time I slide inside you.”

Another tease of his cock punctuated the statement. As if she could forget where it sat against her most sensitive parts, which already yearned to feel him closer. Deeper. It only grew worse as she did as he asked, turning to face him. The root of his cock sat against her most sensitive nub of flesh.

Whoever said having one’s scalp scrubbed was better than sex had come close. It nearly was. Perhaps it might have been, had his shaft not shifted against her as his body shook with the rhythmic motions of him rubbing her head. The base of his cock ground against her clit every time he moved, and by the time he tilted her head back to rinse the suds away, she had gone half out of her mind with wanting him.

She knew he felt it, too. The intent look on his face as he stroked her hair, watched her lips part with her gasps as his shaft teased out intense sensations, said he wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as he reached for the tiny bottle of conditioner.

Impish, she chose that moment to roll her hips forward over his cock. The bottle dropped to the tile floor. He leveled an amused stare on her. “You did that on purpose.”

“I would never,” she lied. “Let me get that for you.”

He didn’t realize what she intended, at first. She crouched down to pick up the bottle, putting her at eye level with his erect cock. A gasp escaped him as she wrapped her fingers around it, instead of the conditioner bottle, pushing the hard shaft through her clenched hand before she followed it with her mouth.

The gasp became a groan. “Oh God, Hanna.” A shudder chased through his entire body. She saw him wobble as his knees turned to jelly, and he leaned his back against the shower wall to hold himself up. “You’re playing dirty now.”

“Mm-hmm,” she said, around the length of cock that filled her mouth. As his hand reached down for her, she placed the conditioner in it. She glanced up the length of him, meeting his gaze with her lips wrapped around his shaft. It twitched in her mouth, and she knew he’d enjoyed the sight.

Only to speak did she let him go. “Why don’t you use that while I reward you for pampering me?”

He looked down at her with wry amusement. “You’re going to end up with a well-conditioned eardrum if I put this on you while you’re distracting me.”

“That should be interesting,” she said, and suckled his cock back into her mouth.

His head thudded against the wall as it fell back. He moaned, body tense and quivering, for many long moments before he could muster himself to condition her hair. She considered the conditioner on her ear, shoulder, and nose well earned, as she explored the ridge and seam of his cock with her tongue and slipped it as deep as she could into her mouth before pulling back. Then she did it all over again, encouraged by every groan, every shudder she drew from him.