Page 98 of The New Gods

That would take a conspiracy, and it involved way too many people. “Because she accused me of it before,” I told Pollux. “For it to come up again…”

“If you had the seal from Whitby, would that help you?” he asked.

“No,” I answered quickly. “No one needs to ever find out about it. It’s only because of that piece that I’m not utterly terrified of Diana finding any more.”

“Because of what we told you about the gods.”

Exactly. If putting the seal together meant there was a possibility of the gods escaping whatever place they were now trapped, then it couldn’t happen.

“Is it possible you’ll lose your position at Oxford?”

“They can try to take it from me, but I’m tenured. And really the only way to make me leave is to force me to resign, and I don’t plan on resigning.” I had earned everything I had, and even if it meant losing housing, and being assigned the worst topics to teach, I would deal.

“Can I help at least?” Pollux asked. He took my hand, linked our fingers, and squeezed. Then he brought it to his lips, pressed a kiss to the back, and held it against his thigh.

It was too dark now for me to make out much besides his profile, but his strength and confidence made me feel stronger, too. “I’ll be okay.”

He squeezed my hand again. “I know, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to be here for you, however you need me.”

He’d said something like this before.I’ll have your back.And here he was, doing just what he said he would do.

We reached Oxford hours later. With each mile closer, the knots in my stomach tightened, and my anxiety grew. I read all the messages I’d received over the past two days, and found the invitation from Dr. Merton to join him at the Ioannou Centre for a discussion about my research tomorrow morning.

Nothing about the message clued me into what Dr. St. John had warned me of. The tone of Dr. Merton’s message leaned toward a scholarly chat, and not a set up.

Still—for most of the drive I created imaginary arguments with Dr. Merton that resembled something more out of a courtroom drama than a committee discussion.

Pollux found a parking space near my apartments and shut off the car. “I’ll walk with you.”

It was so late, and he would probably want to get home. “Do you—” What would I do if I asked this question and he said no? “Do you want to stay here for the night?”

He’d opened the door, but with my question, he spun around. “With you?”

Well, obviously I’d be there, too. “Yes?”

He stared out the window so long I was mentally kicking myself for my offer. “Leo…”

“It’s okay,” I said quickly. I’d moved too fast. Even though I wasn’t offering sex, I was offering intimacy. I didn’t want him to drive off yet, leaving me alone when I’d spent the last two days in the company of him and his friends.

I—I was lonely.

He touched my chin, guiding my face toward his. “I want to stay with you, Leo, But after everything that happened, I think we should take things slow.”

“Is that what you want?” I asked.

His dark brows drew together as his gaze flicked to my lips. “Fuck, no.”

I leaned across the seat, pushing myself until I could reach his mouth and kissed him. Tentatively, I swept my tongue over his lips. He let out a groan, swept one hand from my chin down to my throat and kissed me harder.

His other hand rested on my cheek, thumb at the corner of my lips. He tilted my head back, plunging his tongue inside my mouth. There was something dominant about his hold, and demanding.

I wanted to give in. I touched my tongue to his, breathed in his scent, and held onto his arms, the only part of him I could reach.

“Leo.” My name was a moan on his lips.

I kissed him again, pulled back and whispered, “Stay with me.”

Pollux studied my face, opened his mouth to answer, and then shook his head. “I’ll walk you inside,” he said, “but then I should go.”