Page 92 of The New Gods

“What did you make?” Orestes asked.

“Quiche,” Achilles said before I could get out a word. “We made it together. Just her and me.”

The way he said it made “quiche” was a euphemism for something else.

“Making quiche.” For some reason, I tried to say it the way he did. It sounded ridiculous, all low and faux-sexy.

Orestes chuckled, and Achilles snorted. He even reached over and patted the top of my head like I was an amusing toddler.

I jerked away because he was messing up my hair.

“Who used the oven?” A deep voice asked from the doorway. It was Hector, and behind him, Paris stood. His gaze met mine and he smiled, though it was a little uncertain.

“I did,” I said at the same time as Achilles. He pointed at me, and I got a sinking sensation in my stomach. “Was I not supposed to? I’m sorry.”

“Of course you can use the oven. That’s what it’s there for. It just doesn’t get used often, and not when we’re all here. I can’t afford to feed this lot.” There was a hint of humor, but Hector’s expression was still serious, so I was probably wrong.

“I ordered curry,” Achilles said. “She only made one quiche.”

Why did it feel like every time I was around this man, he was trying to push me in front of something?

“Was that Pollux I heard driving away?” Hector asked.

Spinning away before he could see my expression, I pretended to be absorbed with the cups of tea.

“Yes,” Orestes answered. “He left a little while ago. He took your car.”

Hector grunted, a noise that seemed to suit him just fine whenever he was annoyed, amused, or underwhelmed.

I brought the tea cups to the table while Achilles got the quiche out of the oven. All at once, the kitchen was a bustle of activity. Each man went about preparing for tea, and soon we were all seated.

There was one empty chair, and my attention was drawn to it. In fact, I couldn’t stop staring.

“He’ll be back after he cools off.” Paris handed me the milk and I put a dash in my cup.

“Why would he need to cool off?” Hector asked.

Achilles widened his eyes. “Are you saying you didn’t hear the Telenovela on the third floor?”

He was next to me, so I didn’t hesitate to elbow him in the ribs. Twisting away from me, he managed to escape.

“I kissed Leo.”

I swore, in that moment, every drop of blood rushed from my body and went to my face. The heat in my cheeks was actually painful, and I broke out in a sweat.

Staring at Paris, I opened my mouth to respond and only managed a, “Meep.”

At least, that’s what it sounded like to me. It was something between a choke and a gasp, and it wasn’t cute at all.

Hector stared at Paris for long seconds. The silence that descended in the kitchen made me want to run away, but I made myself stay in place.

Slowly, like something out of a nightmare, Hector fixed his gaze on mine.

And waited.

“I kissed her, Hector, did you hear that part?” Paris’s voice seemed to come from far away.

“You want to start another war?” he asked me.