Page 67 of The New Gods

I wanted to know what was real, and what was a story. How did all of them meet? Was Achilles truly a demigod? Was Pollux?

Pollux narrowed his green eyes at me, then raked a hand through his dark hair. “What?”

“I have so many questions.”

“Get used to disappointment,” Achilles answered for him.

“Why do you hate me?” I asked. It came out and once it was, I didn’t want to reel it back. I wanted to know. “The truth.”

“Because you’re nosy.”

“Curious,” I replied.

“You don’t listen,” he went on, having the audacity to tick my flaws off with his fingers.

“I ponder things.” If he was going to give me a rundown of the negative, I was going to turn it around.

“You think you know it all.” One side of his mouth lifted in a grin. It was the first time since the day began that he smiled, and that ever present knot in my stomach loosened.

“I have a doctorate in classical study and ancient history.” I pretended to buff my fingernails. “So I won’t argue with this, except to say I know a lot, not all of it. If I did, I wouldn’t be asking so many questions.”

“You ask too many questions.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me, like this was the gravest of my sins.

“Inquisitive. Always learning.Open-minded.”

He shrugged. “Agree to disagree.”

“You’re an ass.”

“Greek,” he replied.

“Murdery,” I countered.

“Threat elimination.”

I began to enumerate his flaws on my fingers, like he had with me. “Over-reactive, bullying,rude.”

He chuckled. “Forward thinking, confident,honest.”

“Agree to disagree.” I shrugged but couldn’t hide my smile.

“If you’re done flirting, I’ll show you where you can work,” Hector interrupted.

My entire body heated. He was right. I had been flirting. I’d also been insulting, and insulted, but yeah, I was flirting.

“Thanks,” I replied. “I also need my computer. Once it gets out that I took this from Whitby without permission, I’m going to be royally fucked, but don’t worry. I’ll keep you out of it. I take full responsibility for this.”

Achilles stood, and stood, and stood. He reached his arms over his head, stretching from side to side. He was so tall, he could lay his palms flat between the beams. “I told you, no one will see anything. I never get caught, and you’ll reap the benefits of my experience.”

“Or you’ll hang me out to dry because that would take care of the problem.”

He wore a full grin now, both corners turned up, hazel eyes warm, “You being the problem?”

“Exactly.” At least I knew where I stood with this man.

He shook his head. “No. If only for self-preservation. If you’re caught, I’m caught. You’d turn us all in.”

Ouch.And here I thought we’d come to an understanding. Good to know where I stood.