“Ah, Ophelia. Our new stable master has helped me prepare the horses,” Grace spoke with eagerness as Ophelia appeared. “Here, you must take the grey today. I’m sure you’ll like him. He’s new to our stable, and the stable master assures me he is a fine ride.”
“Thank you, Grace. That is kind.” Ophelia forced a smile as she stopped beside the horse, but it was not enough to hide her expression. Grace faltered, staring at Ophelia over the saddle from the other side of the horse.
“Is something wrong?” she asked, circling the horse as quickly as she could. “Ophelia, I could have sworn there were tears in your eyes.”
“You are kind to me.” Ophelia swallowed firmly around the lump in her throat, determined not to let those tears fall. “I assure you, though, they are not tears. I find the cold air this morning has made my eyes sore, that is all. Let us ride. Once I am used to the wind in my face, I’m sure it will abate.” She prayed her excuse was believed as she climbed up into the saddle but judging by the way Grace forced her own smile as she mounted a chestnut, it was not believed at all.
“Will Elliot join us this morning, do you think?” Grace asked, glancing back to the house.
“I believe he is busy at this moment.”
Ophelia cursed inwardly, thinking of Celeste and her beauty. She would no doubt wait for him now in her lodgings somewhere in London. When Elliot went to see her, would they make love? Would he show her the same passion and kiss her in the same way that he kissed Ophelia?
“Let us ride, Grace. I find myself in need of distraction.”
With these words, Ophelia was off, riding at a pace across the courtyard and out to the open lawn. Grace followed keenly behind her, until soon they were riding so fast that conversation could not take place at all. Ophelia was pleased for it. When tears began to trickle down her cheeks, she was able to hide them from her sister-in-law.
“Harrison has invited us over again tomorrow night. Would you like to go?” Elliot asked, striding into the sitting room and calling out to his wife. He covered his mouth a second later, seeing the state the room was in.
Ophelia was sitting on one of the settees with the book he had gifted to her in her hand. She had lifted her gaze from the book and pressed a finger to her lips, then gestured down to Grace’s position, fast asleep beside her.
Elliot nodded, showing her understood, and moved to stand behind Ophelia on the settee, bending down so he could whisper to her. To his surprise, she didn’t lean back towards him. So often as of late she would lean in his direction and they would share stolen kisses in these candlelit rooms at night. Her preoccupation with keeping her gaze on her book at this time disappointed him.
“Did you enjoy seeing him the other night?” Elliot whispered.
“I did.” Ophelia nodded. “He is good company, and I had a wonderful evening.” Her smile showed she was telling the truth. “Yes, we should go again.”
“I shall write my reply to him, then.” Elliot stood straighter and placed a hand on the back of the settee, leaning his weight there.
With Ophelia’s gaze still permanently fixed on the book, he became uncomfortable, shifting his weight between his feet. He glanced at Grace, making sure his sister was fast asleep before he bent down to Ophelia’s level once again.
“Is something wrong, love?” he whispered to her.
Her head angled in his direction at his words, as if she wanted to lean into him but was reticent to do so. He touched his head to hers, not wanting her to retreat from him.
“Has something upset you?” he asked, pressing the matter a little.
“It is nothing,” she assured him with a smile. “I was just wondering, is there something you wanted to tell me?”
Her whispered words hung in the air for a moment.
Tell her? What could I have to tell her?
“Well, there is something.” He lifted his head and walked around her, standing by the arm of the settee so that when he bent down to her level, they could look one another in the eye. “I’ve had some early signs from one of the investments I have made to recoup your money. Those signs are promising.”
He smiled, relieved for it. Over the last few weeks, the guilt he’d felt at using Ophelia’s money had become only worse. He was determined to re-build every penny and shilling that had been hers.
“Is that not good news?”
“Very good news.” She smiled, but the expression didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Thank you for telling me.”
Elliot couldn’t quite shake the feeling that there was something else wrong here. When Grace shifted in her sleep, Ophelia pressed a finger to her lips, urging him to be quiet. He nodded and retreated from her, heading out of the room.
As he went, he felt his steps become quite tentative, almost nervous. More than anything did he want to run back to the sitting room and take Ophelia’s hand, to tell her that he knew something was wrong and wished to know what it was. He knew his wife well by now. He could tell when something was upsetting her.
“Your Grace?” The butler’s voice stirred Elliot from his thoughts. He stopped walking as the butler appeared from the shadows of the hallway. The elder man seemed troubled, with his lips pressed into a firm line and his eyes narrowed.