“Oh…” Ophelia gasped, pausing in her massage as she considered the idea. “It’s possible, but it doesn’t explain why she would do such a thing.”

“To cause an argument between us.”

“I must speak to her when I return.” Ophelia already knew she could not let the woman stay in her employment afterward. She needed a lady’s maid she could trust and was tempted to call up the lady’s maid she had used back in Cheltenham, just to be sure she had a friend in that house, rather than a foe.

“Let us not think of returning for a few minutes yet.” Elliot reached behind him, taking her hands softly from her shoulders.

“What do you wish to think of?”

“Something else.” When he pulled her to her, Ophelia thought they would soon be making love again. The kiss was heated, drawing her in until she was practically sat in Elliot’s lap, but then he pulled away. “Since we married, I have tried to persuade you to use the money we have to buy a gift for you. Something you would like.”

“I do not need gifts.” Ophelia shook her head. She was tempted to tell Elliot the only thing she had longed for she now had: Elliot himself.

“Perhaps not, but I’d like to give you one. Today in Salisbury, I feel as if I found something you might like.” He reached into the pocket of his tailcoat and pulled out a small book.

“What is this?” Ophelia asked as he passed it into her hand.

“Perhaps we could recreate our libraries, slowly,” Elliot said and gestured to the book. “I already know you likeRomancing the Forest,so I thought you might like this, too.”

Ophelia pulled back the ornate cover, with the pages lined in gold leaf, to reveal the title page of the book. It readA Sicilian Romance,another work by Ann Radcliff.

“I seem to remember a conversation where you were not sold on Miss Radcliff’s works,” Ophelia said, teasing him.

“As I said, I’m willing to be persuaded otherwise. Do you like it?” He seemed especially interested in her answer as she nodded.

“I love it. Thank you.” She reached towards him and kissed him on the cheek, aware that one of his arms tightened around her waist as she gave him that kiss. “I wish we could stay out here longer,” she said as she turned the pages, beginning to read.

“As do I. Let’s not waste the time we have left here.” He took the book out of her hands and moved his lips to hers.


“You’re back! You’re back.” Grace danced on the drive as the carriage came to a stop and Ophelia stepped down. Beside her, Elliot jumped down, too, and moved to his sister, embracing her warmly. “How was Wiltshire? Your letters, Elliot, they are quite poor. They are not nearly so detailed as your wife’s.”

“Then I’ll leave her to be the wordsmith for us both.”

Ophelia moved to embrace Grace next and noticed the young woman held a little tighter onto her this time. It seemed Grace had gotten used to her presence in the house.

“I am glad you are both home,” she said, looking between the two of them. “This house may be increasingly busy with staff, but it is quite lonely without the two of you in it.”

“Well, we are back now,” Elliot assured his sister. “Let us arrange for some tea, Grace. Ophelia has something she needs to attend to.”

As the two of them stepped into the house, Ophelia subtly nodded at Elliot. They shared a meaningful look, knowing what was ahead.

This will not be easy to speak of.

Ophelia had rehearsed many times what she wished to say in her head on the journey from Wiltshire. She had even asked Elliot’s opinion on it, when he had ridden with her in the carriage. Now the time had come to confront Miss Barge, it seemed all the more peculiar.

Why would a woman who is a practical stranger in this house do this?

As Ophelia was responsible with Mrs Mouser for hiring the staff, she had pleaded with Elliot to let her handle the matter, even though he wished to handle it himself. Ophelia placed herself in a small withdrawing room and requested Mrs Mouser to bring Miss Barge to her. Mrs Mouser did so with a look of worry in her features.

When Miss Barge entered, she hurried to curtsy, with her normal sweet smile in place.

“Your Grace, how was your journey to Wiltshire?”

“It was illuminating.” Ophelia kept her voice quite plain, not wanting any warmth to be between her and the maid now. “I have discovered some things, Miss Barge, some secrets that have been kept from me.”

“Secrets, Your Grace?” Miss Barge’s brow furrowed, though there was a quiver in her cheeks, one that betrayed her nerves.