“I have not seen Celeste since before the night you and I met.” Elliot spoke plainly, barely blinking as he stared at her. “I never wished to again.”
“You never saw her? Not once?”
“Not in that way, no. I only saw her to speak to her, to part ways and issue a goodbye, nothing ever more than that,” Elliot said with vigour. “When she started to turn up at the house, I was terrified that her appearance would drive you away. A fear clearly well founded,” he muttered to himself, shaking his head. “I should have told you the truth from the off that she had appeared. I feared this would happen, though—that I would lose you.”
His grasp on Ophelia’s hand adjusted a little, so their fingers entwined together.
“I have not been with her since long before we were wed, and neither does she carry my child. Please, Ophelia. Please believe that I did not break the marriage vows I made to you that day.”
“I know you did not,” Ophelia said, watching as Elliot’s eyes widened in surprise. “You have told me some news. Now let me tell you mine.” She reached toward him and laid her free hand on his chest, initiating a deeper connection between them.
“I went to see my stepmother last night and heard a conversation between her and her nephew. What I heard reveals a deception, a great one indeed. Lord Chester spoke as ifhewas the driving force behind what has pushed us apart. He and my stepmother wished for our marriage to be annulled. Am I to understand that Lord Chester is the one who persuaded Celeste to lie?”
“He is.” Elliot nodded eagerly. “Celeste spoke of it all. Lord Chester came to see her. I do not know how he learned of the connection that used to be between us, but he explained to Celeste he was working to drive us apart and that it was in her interest, for she would then have a duke for a patron again.
He revealed that Miss Barge, the maid who caused us so much trouble, he paid to cause such problems between us. She lied, constantly, but when it failed to hurt us, he enlisted Celeste’s help. He paid her, too, with the promise that more would come if she did as he asked.”
“What a cruel world can exist!” Ophelia bemoaned, leaning into Elliot. “The thought that he would go to such an extent as this, it is abhorrent.”
“Truly so.” Elliot pulled on her hand, tightening their fingers together. “We were torn asunder by lies, Ophelia. Please, do not let them keep us apart. Come home with me. I beg of you.”
“First, there is something you must know.” Ophelia breathed deeply, knowing it was not a secret she was prepared to keep from Elliot. He had to know, now. “One woman lied to you about bearing your child. This time when you hear the words, they are the truth.” She took their joined hands and laid them to her stomach. “I carry our child, Elliot.”
Elliot immediately smiled. She could have sworn there was a glistening in his eyes, as if he was hiding back tears.
“We will have a child?” he said, the words coming out in a hurry. “Truly?”
“Ophelia, my God.” He bent toward her. “I should have told you this every day for a long time now, but I will tell you now, before I lose the opportunity to tell it to you again. I love you.”
Ophelia felt her breath hitch at his revelation. He moved the touch of his hand from her stomach to around her waist, pulling her toward him.
“I love you so much,” he whispered to her.
“I love you, too.”
“Then please, come home with me,” he begged, laying his forehead against hers. “Let us be a family.”
“There is nothing I want more.”
The moment they burst through the door to the hotel room, Ophelia was reaching for Elliot’s hand. He seemed to know what she wanted, even without her having to say it. He kicked the door shut behind them and reached for her, kissing her so deeply that Ophelia tilted her head back and clung to his biceps with both hands, longing to be closer to him.
When they parted, they were both breathless, panting as they stared at one another.
“I hope your friend did not mind me stealing you away from her house,” he said playfully, holding her close. Ophelia felt the warmth of his touch, wondering how she had gone so long without it.
“When she saw the smile on my face, I think she was only too happy to see me leave with you!” Her words made him laugh and pull her in for another kiss.
They had spent a long time locked away together in the drawing room of Margery’s house, talking together. Ophelia had told Elliot exactly what she had overheard between Gertrude and Lord Chester, and he had told her in detail of his conversation with Celeste. He had even gone as far as telling her of the notes Celeste had sent and what had passed between them that night at the theatre. Soon, there were no more secrets between them.
Sat together on a settee, with their hands entwined, Elliot asked her another time to come home. She had agreed but asked if they could wait one more day. Seeing the tiredness on Elliot’s face, she wanted to see him sleep before they returned.
“We came here so you could sleep,” Ophelia said, giggling between their kisses. “You look so tired, yet now we are here. I do not think you are terribly interested in sleeping.”
“I’m not,” he confessed, his voice deep. “Would you like me to show you what I am truly interested in?” His kisses went to her neck, finding the sweet spot there that he had occupied before. Ophelia felt a mewling sound escape her lips as one of her hands curled around his bicep to keep herself standing.