“Was I meant to be helpful? If you want anything to do with her, and from the way you’ve been behaving, you clearly do, swallow your pride, apologise properly, and see if she’ll forgive you. If she does, great. You can start afresh.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

“Then you’re going to have to put it down as a ship that’s already sailed and move on.”

Lucas didn’t think he could. And that’s what made him even more annoyed. He was doing absolutely fine as he was. Then Dorothy Napier had to turn up and turn everything upside-down.

Chapter 12

“Would you like anything else, My Lady?” Teresa asked.

“I’m fine now, Teresa.” Dorothy picked up her book, giving her maid a smile. “Thank you, and I apologise again for how I treated you before. I don’t do that.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing compared to what I’ve dealt with before with other guests.”


Teresa gave her a warm smile.

“Dealing with a guest who hasn’t slept much and doesn’t want to deal with daylight is normal. Besides, you apologised to me the same day it happened.”

“I know, but I still feel bad.”

“But I don’t, so don’t fret about it.” Teresa gathered up some of Dorothy’s garments. “I’ll take these to the laundry. They should be ready for when you leave tomorrow.”

“Thank you. Good night, Teresa.”

“Goodnight, My Lady.”

Teresa left the room, and Dorothy again felt a stab of embarrassment. She had never treated the servants like that before, and she grimaced about it. Even though it had been a few days, it was still fresh in her mind. At least Teresa had been understanding about it.

Her last night. It felt strange that she had been in the Peak District for a week. Dorothy and Frederica had spent their time going out on their own, going for walks, and experiencing the valley. The whole thing was beautiful, and Dorothy soaked up the scenery. Lady Derbyshire didn’t marry for the countryside, but it certainly was a plus for her. Dorothy hoped she could have an estate like this; it would be spectacular for her.

There was also something relaxing about being out in the countryside. She found herself calming down and feeling soothed as they went for a walk in the woods, crossed the brook on stepping stones, and went up hills that left her exhausted, much to her surprise. But sitting at the top of the hill and looking out at the scene below, Dorothy couldn’t help feeling everything inside her settle.

The problem was that it didn’t last long when she returned to the house. Dashwood was there, and while he hadn’t approached her, Dorothy was very aware of him. He was always in the room, openly watching her.

It was a little unnerving, but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as Dorothy expected it to be. She found that she liked it. That sounded bizarre, and she didn’t know what to think. Why would she be liking someone staring at her from across the room and not approaching her?

She should just ignore it and leave him to Lady Marcia. After all, Dorothy had overheard her telling some of the other guests that she was in love with Dashwood and expected a proposal soon. From what Dorothy could guess, it wasn’t just her Dashwood was kissing in private while he was here.

That should have solidified it for her that he was only toying with her, and she should walk away and forget about him. And yet she just couldn’t. It was like it was firmly stuck in her mind, and it was annoying.

Especially when she kept feeling the jealousy building whenever she saw Lady Marcia around Dashwood or heard her talking about him. It was frustrating that she couldn’t go along as she wanted because her head was in a mess.

Just a few more hours. You’re leaving tomorrow afternoon, and then you don’t have to see him again. That’s it.

I don’t know if I can do that.

Dorothy got into bed and opened her book.Frankensteinwas a fascinating take on horror, and Dorothy could barely stop reading it to do anything else. Mostly because she didn’t have much free time for herself, but also because it was a gripping book. If the rumours were true about a woman writing it, she had done a really good job with it.

Before Dorothy knew it, she had finished the book, and now it was sitting on her lap, looking very smug. Smug that she would have to go downstairs and put the book away.

Dorothy put it aside. She would deal with it in the morning. After the last time she had snuck down during the night, she wasn’t prepared to go downstairs on the off-chance she would bump into Dashwood again. It wasn’t his natural environment, but he was full of surprises.

Blowing out the candle, Dorothy settled down and closed her eyes. She tried to sleep but just ended up tossing and turning. Her body was exhausted, her mind was ready for sleep, yet it just wouldn’t come. The clock’s ticking sounded really loud, and Dorothy wanted to put her hands over her ears.

Finally, she gave up and got up. Maybe she could sneak down to the kitchen and find something to eat. The cook probably wouldn’t care, and Dorothy would make sure not to make a mess. While she was doing it, she would put the book back in the library, just so she wouldn’t forget. That would be enough.