“Of course! He noticed how you and Lucas were at my aunt’s house. He said to me that he wasn’t happy about it and made a comment about how he was going to make you his.”

“But I’m not a possession to fight over.”

“That’s what he said to me. I told him not to talk like that, but Gabriel said he didn’t watch you from afar and get the chance to be with you only to have Lucas get in the way.”

“So he and Lady Marcia made up those lies to keep us apart?”

“You could say that.”

Dorothy jumped at the sudden new voice. Then Lucas came out from behind the nearby tree, ducking under the branches before he came out into the sunshine. Dorothy scrambled to her feet, but in her haste, her legs got tangled up in her skirts, and she ended up falling sideways.

Right into the pond.

The cold closed around her, making Dorothy gasp, and she swallowed some water. A second later, arms were pulling her out of the pond, tugging her onto the grass. Dorothy coughed as she collapsed, her chest heaving at the cold and her throat burning. Frederica let go of her and shifted away as she got to her feet.

“Well, that’s one way to react to your arrival, I suppose,” she said. “Are you alright, Dorothy?”

“I’ll look after her,” Lucas answered before Dorothy could draw breath. He still had his hands on her shoulders. “If you could let her maid know that she needs to be ready to tend to her mistress once she returns.”

“Alright.” Frederica paused. “Don’t stay out here for too long.”

“We won’t be. We’ll be fine.”

Dorothy didn’t know about that. She had just humiliated herself again in front of Lucas. Frederica gave her a glance, along with a smile and a nod, and then she walked away. Leaving Dorothy alone with Lucas.

Lucas urged Dorothy to roll over and sit up.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I’m fine. Mostly.” Dorothy shivered. “I wasn’t expecting the water to be that cold on such a warm day.”

“Well, I wasn’t expecting you to fall into the pond.” Lucas’ mouth twitched. “At least it was less painful than when you fell off that ladder and onto me.”

“Don’t remind me. It took a while before the bruises faded.”

Lucas’ eyes glinted. Then he took off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. Dorothy frowned.

“But … you can’t be in a state of undress.”

“What sort of gentleman would I be if I didn’t look after a lady in some distress? Besides,” Lucas gestured at her wet gown, “if we’re going to talk, I would prefer to do it when your dress is making you look practically naked in that colour.”

Dorothy looked down, only to realise that her dress was clinging to her body like a second skin. Her breasts were clearly showing through the fabric. Her cheeks getting warm, she tugged the jacket around herself.

“Thank you,” she mumbled.

Lucas shuffled onto his knees, taking her head in his hands.

“Listen, Dorothy, we could go through all the small talk, or we can go straight to the point. I have a lot that I need to say, and I want you to listen.”

Dorothy couldn’t bring herself to pull away from him. It was almost hypnotic. Having him touch her felt really good. She bit her lip.

“Straight to the point. I’m sure we’ll be interrupted soon.”

“Fine, then. But I want to do something first.”

He pulled her in for a kiss, and Dorothy went to him, unwilling to pull away. She wanted more of his kiss, having him hold her close. When they came up for air, both were panting.

“It’s always been you, Dorothy,” Lucas rasped, resting his forehead against hers. “Ever since we met, it’s only been you.”