Dorothy moved her head away from Gabriel’s touch.

“I … I think I need a moment outside,” she mumbled, swaying on her feet as she moved towards the door. “It … it’s getting quite warm in here.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“I …”

Dorothy didn’t get much further before Frederica was at her side and taking her arm.

“Dorothy? What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to faint.”

“Frederica.” Dorothy almost burst into tears at the sight of her friend. “Can you take me outside? I need some air.”

“Of course.” Frederica waved Gabriel away as he started towards them. “Don’t worry about us, Gabriel. I can manage.”

“But I …” Gabriel began, but Frederica cut him off.

“I’ll be fine without your help. Why don’t you go and talk to Mr Cowper? He mentioned that he wanted to ask you a few questions.”

Dorothy caught sight of Pierce, moving towards them. Something told her that the pair were up to something. What was going on? Then Frederica was tugging her towards the door.

“Come along,” she said as they entered the foyer. “The sooner you’re outside and away from the throng, the sooner you’ll feel better.”

“Frederica, are you up to something?”

Frederica gave her a bemused look.

“Why would you think I was up to something?”

“I don’t know. But I have a feeling you’re planning something that involves me.”

“You, Dorothy Napier, are too suspicious for your own good.”

Dorothy groaned and stopped, pulling her arm away from her friend.

“Enough of this. What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Frederica turned to her. “I mean it. Pierce and I noticed that you looked ready to faint, so we decided to get you outside. Pierce will distract Gabriel, so you won’t be disturbed by him.”

Dorothy didn’t know what to say to that. Did Frederica know what Gabriel was planning on doing? Even if she took a moment outside to clear her head, the knowledge that she would be proposed to once she rejoined the rest of the party was still there. And it didn’t fill Dorothy with joy.

Because Gabriel isn’t Lucas.

At least it would be better than the proposal Lucas gave me. Mostly.

“Dorothy.” Frederica took Dorothy’s hands. “You know you can talk to me about anything, don’t you? I’ll listen to what you have to say.”

“I know,” Dorothy whispered.

“Then why won’t you talk to me? It’s been two weeks, and you’ve withdrawn from me. I’m beginning to feel like I’m losing my closest friend.”

Dorothy knew she had been pulling away from Frederica. Mostly because she wasn’t sure if she could admit that she had done the wrong thing. Her pride was getting in the way.

Frederica squeezed her hands and tugged her along.

“Let’s get outside. Somewhere we can’t be overheard.”

That sounded like a good idea. Dorothy was a little overwhelmed by everything going on, including the tea party she knew was a cover for Gabriel to propose marriage, and she just wanted to get away. A part of her wanted to leave, go to Lucas, find him, and beg for his forgiveness. But that would mean admitting that she wanted more than just being a lover to a man who had many of them to keep him busy.