Abigail laughed and pulled away. “I did not doubt it,” Abigail told her.

“She was simply overcome with impatience.”

Flora drew her attention away from her friend in time to see Abigail’s husband, Anthony stepping out from the doorway. His dark blonde hair caught the sunlight making the strands dazzle. Anthony was a handsome man with a calm, easy nature that suited Abigail’s more frenetic character.

Flora smiled at him.

“I am glad that you made it safely,” he said, tilting his head slightly.

“Thank you both for having me. You have saved me from a dreadfully boring Autumn at home, and I will forever be grateful.”

Abigail laughed. “Oh, come now. Home is notthatboring. Though, I suppose after all the excitement of London, the countryside can feel a bit of a letdown.” Abigail frowned as she spoke, and Flora knew that she was worrying that her friend might be bored in Kent.

If there was one thing that both Flora and Abigail had in common, it was their desire to please the people around them. Something that Flora found to be true of most women.

“I am happy to be in Kent,” Flora told her friend, looping her arm through Abigail’s. “The Season was not the same without you in London.”

Abigail’s cheeks reddened in pleasure. “I am sure that you had a wonderful time. I was happy to stay in Kent,” she looked over at Anthony. “But I did miss the balls.”

This made Flora laugh. “I will tell you all about them,” she said. “But first, you must show me your lovely new home!”

Abigail’s face lit with excitement, and Flora knew that her friend desired nothing more than to do just that.

“Come along,” she said, practically dragging Flora up the small stairs to the entrance. “It is lovely.”

Flora looked back, opening her mouth to mention her lady’s maid. Miss Taylor traveled a long way to attend to her, and Flora wanted to ensure that she was properly set up.

“Miss Watson manages our home,” Anthony explained, seeing the look in Flora’s eyes. “She will ensure that your things are prepared, and your maid is settled.”

Flora nodded and turned her attention to her friend.

“The house is quite large,” Abigail said, as she led Flora through, “but cosy nonetheless.”

Anthony snorted slightly behind her, and Flora wondered how he felt about his wife’s description.

Their home was much larger than her family’s, and as she walked through, she felt as though she could not take in every room.

“I had that chandelier imported,” Abigail said, proudly as the three of them passed under a small, crystal chandelier. The gems caught the light, and they reflected tiny rainbows around the room. “I thought it would liven up the space a bit. It can be so dark in here.”

Flora said nothing. She continued allowing her eyes to roam over the space. The house was filled with portraits of Anthony’s family members, thick oriental rugs that made Flora want to throw off her shoes and touch them with her stocking feet, and velvet furniture that made everything look decadent.

The entire place depicted a family with wealth and status, and whilst Flora was not penniless by any means, her family had come into their fortune in just two generations, and their home was not nearly this grand.

As Abigail continued the tour of the house, Flora felt herself beginning to relax.

“I have so many plans for the two of us,” Abigail squealed drawing Flora’s attention away from the house and back to her friend.

“You do not need to go out of your way,” Flora said. “I am simply happy to spend time together. I have missed your presence.”

“You will not dissuade her,” Anthony said, giving her a small smile. “I have tried to, believe me.”

Flora laughed. Abigail could be headstrong in her own way, and when she set her mind to something, there was no changing it.

Abigail playfully smacked her hand against her husband’s chest. “Do not tease. I have to make sure that Flora gets to know the good people of Kent. After all, I did promise her mother.”

Flora’s brow rose. “You spoke with my mother?”

Abigail’s cheek’s pinkened with colour. “I knew that she would be reticent to allow you to join me. After all, Kent is not London, and I suspected that if the Season did not go as she hoped, which it appeared not to, she would desire to keep you close.”