Rook laughs at him. “You think your muscles are enough to beat me? I’m an eleventh generation pure-blood celestial mage. Those orbs I’ve been tickling you with? Pure creation magic, straight from the source. I could rip the magic out of you so fast you won’t even realize you’ve made it to the next plane. And I won’t be gentle, either. When I’m done with you, your ancestors won’t even recognize you.”

Keep it up, man. Keep him talking.

I know he can’t hear me. Rook and I don’t have a bond like that.

But Willa and I do. At least, we should, and that’s what I’m counting on.

I don’t know how it works, but I give it my best shot and just start thinkingreallyloud in my head.

Willa! Sweet girl, please, I need you to hear me.

Nothing. She doesn’t move or make a peep. Not even mentally.

Omega! It’s Jonah. You need to listen to me. The revenant went berserk and you gotta help yourself out of this.

I’m still just yelling in my own head, not at all sure how this works.

I take a breath and try again. This time I try grounding myself in thoughts of her. The lilac scent of her shampoo, and how the tip of her nose blushes when she laughs. I think about seeing her in the grocery store that first time, looking like a typical human snow bunny. But the instant I caught her melted caramel scent, I knew I was done. Then I really saw her. The cool tones in her hair and eyes, the pink flush of her cheeks. The swells of her softness beneath her snow pants…

Willa, please, sweet girl. I need you to hear me.

She felt like home from the very start.

It blooms in the center of my chest first. A steady tingle, growing warmer, bigger with each passing moment until the tingle isn’t a tingle but a steady thrum. A beat.

A heartbeat.

Willa!I shout down the bond connecting her heart to mine.You gotta get yourself out of omega space!


I always thoughtI was so lucky to be born in a pack that cherished omegas.

And now I know just how lucky I was.

Omega space helps. I’m so far removed from my physical body, I hardly know what’s going on out there. It’s nice and cozy in omega space, like a nest inside my mind.

That is, itwasnice and cozy until Jonah started shouting at me.

Willa! You need to get yourself out of omega space!

Why on earth would I do that?

Thank the Great Wolf, you can hear me.

Well, of course I can. You’re yelling inside my head, ya dummy.

Willa! You need to get out of there. Please.

Again, why? I don’t want to know what that monster is doing to my body. I’ll stay here until it’s over, thank you very much.

Sweetie, we can’t overpower him. Rook talks a big game, but I don’t think he can either. We can’t make him stop.

Well, what makes you think I can?

I—I don’t know, baby, but you have to try or he’s going to come after Mari too.

What? Way to…