“I think it was more that no one thought to alert you.”

“And that’s better how?”

I looked back at him again. “I will be sure I remember next time.”

“I’m holding you to that, Twila,” he answered.

As to what had happened to land me in this position in the first place, after Boone’s rifle had gone off and in the panic of everyone thinking I’d died, they’d allowed the bat-man to get away. I knew the minute I was healed, the boys would drag me right back into finding the damned thing again. I was fine with that, but I did make them promise that someoneelsewould hold the rifle next time. And it was looking more and more like that person would be Dean.

I sighed and tapped my nails on the table. Dean was taking his time, likely trying to be as careful with me as possible, but it did make things pretty darn tough on me. Not to mention painful. There wasn’t anything to distract me from the pain except for Dean himself, and considering my current position, I didn’t want to think too hard about that.

“You know, it’s been a while since I found myself in this position with you.”

I felt my face go all forms of hot. I laughed so I wouldn’t choke from the shock of his statement and my ensuing sheepishness. “It’s not every day you find yourself diggin’ buckshot out of a vampire’s tail end?”

Dean paused and readjusted his hand on my hip for better leverage. “Not just any vampire but Twila Boseman.” Then he paused. “Should I refer to you as a vampiress?”

“Please don’t.”

He chuckled at that for a couple seconds and then it got all awkward silent for another couple more. “Getting back to us and this position,” he started and I could hear the flirtation in his voice—something that made me forget the pain I was in for the time being. “Does it make me a bad person that it’s making me think of… other things?”

“Ha,” I managed. “No, it don’t make you a bad person but it also doesn’t change the fact that this isn’t any fun for me.”

“Thank you for the reminder,” Dean said, a smile in his voice. “I think I needed it.”

“Sounds like you need a cold shower.”

“That too.”

I smushed my face into my hand. “I’m just glad Sicily isn’t home.” For a couple of reasons—all of which had to do with the fact that I was bent over my kitchen table with Dean right behind me.

That thought made him laugh harder. “Oh, man. She’d never let this go, would she?”

“Nope.I don’t think anyone’s going to forget the fact that Boone shot me in the ass.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m not planning on making fun of you. You probably saved Boone’s life, after all.”

“Yeah, well,” I sighed, “I wishtheythought of it that way, but I guess it’s hard to see the seriousness when someone gets shot in the ass.”

I glanced over my shoulder again to find him smiling, and his eyes flicked to mine right at that moment.

“I have something horrible I want to say.”

My brows raised. “You do?”

“I need your permission to say it.”


“It’snot good,”he couldn’t stop laughing, and that mischievous pride wassucha good look on his face, it all but took my breath away. “But Ineedto say it.”

I cast him a suspicious look, but his smile was so contagious, I ended up raising a hand and waving him on with a roll of my eyes. “Fine, go on an’ say it and then get this bullet outta me already.”

Dean pressed his lips together. I looked at him, and he looked at me.

“This isn’t exactly how I imagined getting your pants off again.”

My face went even redder, and I was glad I had an excuse to stare straight ahead and not at him. Dean chuckled as I buried my head in my arms, but I couldn’t help but laugh pitifully along with him.