“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Dean took another swig of beer and stared straight ahead. His shoulders were tense, and he flinched when I skimmed my fingers across the bunched muscles at the back of his neck.

“You need to talk to her,” I insisted.

He nodded but didn’t look at me.

“I’m stubborn about this kind of thing,” I continued. “Just ask Sicily. I’ve been on her for months to get back in touch with her father. I’ll be a nag if I have to, and no one wants that.”

He chuckled, though there wasn’t much humor in it. “There’s a key difference between Sicily and Skye.”

“And what’s that?”

“Sicilywantsto talk to her dad. She’s been giving him the silent treatment to protect him, not hurt his feelings. Her heart is in the right place, even if her concern is misplaced.”

“Right. I’ve told her I think there’s no contagion to worry about. You and Mason are the best examples.”

He nodded. “I think she’s safe to leave.”

“I wasn’t talking about Sicily though,” I started, giving him a side eye. “And I’m surprised you think Skye wants nothing to do with you.”

He rubbed at his eyes and turned his head a little so I couldn’t read his expression. The proud man didn’t want me to see how much this subject upset him. I wouldn’t have judged him if he dissolved into tears. Kids did that to you. They broke your heart, even when they didn’t mean to.

“Iknowshe doesn’t. She would have reached out if she did.”

“Did it ever occur to you that she inherited more than just your looks, Dean? If I had to guess, her stubborn streak is as wide as yours. I’m sure she expects you to read her mind and make the first move, and it pisses her off when you don’t.”

He snorted. “This is one of those reverse psychology things, eh? She pretends she doesn’t want to see me so I’ll reach out to her?”

“Something like that.”

Dean nodded then glanced down at my hand where it was on the table. He reached out and took it, giving it a squeeze which surprised me. Lately, it seemed we hadn’t been as touchy with each other and I was more than sure that had everything to do with our recent squabbles. I squeezed back gently. Or at least as gently as I could manage nowadays.

When he turned his face to me, his eyes were shiny but no tears had fallen. Pain, fear, and desperate hope vied for control of his expression. He closed his eyes when I cupped his cheek and gave him the most understanding and compassionate expression I could manage.

“What if you’re wrong?” he whispered. “What if she really does hate me?”

“I doubt it, but if I’m wrong, you’ll get through it—I will help you.”

In response, he took my hand from his face and held it, leaning down to lightly kiss the top.

“I appreciate you, Twila Boseman,” he said in a soft tone as he looked at me and there was a warmth to his dark, brown eyes that reminded me of all those years long since passed. “I appreciate you more than you know.”

The End


Twila returns in:

Gut Rot and Gargoules

Trailer Park Vampire #3

by J.R. Rain and H.P. Mallory

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