Lucy sits with me until she finishes her coffee and heads off. I decide to head home too and relax for the next few hours before I need to start prepping for work. It will be good to be out there working again. I am fine if I have something to do or am spending my time with Ezra, but when I am doing nothing, I get bored.

I walk the short distance back, still in awe of the neighbourhood. It is beautiful and quiet, unlike the one I used to stay in. It probably won’t be a permanent thing, though, because once I start making money, I will find an apartment that I can afford because I won’t be able to afford this one, no matter how well Ezra’s company pays.

I toss my things on my sofa, checking my cell. I have two texts. One from Lucy with the address of where I need to be tonight. It isn’t too far away, so the cab fare shouldn’t be too much. I recognise the name of the place, but I don’t recall how or why. I send her a quick text back letting her know I have received it.

The second is from Ezra.

Hey, my love. How is your day going? I have a few minutes free xx

I like how he texts me the moment he has time.

Hey, babe. Not bad. I ran into someone I used to work with and agreed to help her out tonight, so I will be working. What are you doing? xx

It will give you something to do, baby girl. Make sure you text me when you are home, so I know you are safe. Nothing, hiding in my home office pretending to work xx

He must be hiding from Bella.

Yes, and it gives me a little cash. I promise I will. I don’t even know when I will finish. Hiding, why? Haha xx

I told you, angel, if you need anything, ask! It doesn’t matter what time you finish. I want to know you are home. Because Bella has some friends over and I can’t be assed with them xx

I don’t think he gets on with Bella’s friends. He seems to avoid them at every cost.

I don’t need anything. It will just be handy to have, in case I do need it. Yeah, yeah, boss man, I will let you know. Oh, has she? Sounds like fun for you. Come up with an excuse and come see me ;) xx

I know he probably can’t, but it’s worth a shot.

Good girl ;) I wish I could, love, but I can’t. I swear tomorrow I am all yours xx

A shudder runs through me when he calls me a good girl. He knows what it does to me, and that’s why he calls me that. Ezra and I text back and forth for a few minutes before he needs to go. We share our I love you, goodbye texts, and the conversation ends there. It will take some time to come to terms with telling each other that because it isn’t an easy thing for either of us, especially after everything we have been through.

I sigh, setting my cell aside. It is probably a good thing I have something to distract myself with tonight. If I didn’t, I would probably be overthinking since I know Ezra is with Bella, and I am sure she is going to look gorgeous.

I pull myself together and start picking my clothes out for work.

* * *

Everyone is in the kitchen waiting to find out our roles for tonight. It is a charity event we are working. Every seat in the place is filled, which I am sure is a great thing, and hopefully will raise plenty of money.

“Alana, you and Lucy can work tables one through five for drinks and appetizers. When it’s time for the mains I will make sure you have more help.” Cindy smiles.

Cindy seems lovely, professional, and not an asshole like Colin was. The atmosphere is much better. There are twenty waiting staff, which should be enough for the number of guests. Cindy goes over the schedule of when everything must be out. It is nice they have spread everything out, rather than one thing straight after another because that can be stressful for the chefs and the staff.

“Right. We should start getting the drinks out. We got this team!” Cindy says confidently.

Everyone grabs a tray of champagne and heads out to do their rounds. Lucy and I head in the direction of our section. I only manage a couple of steps when something catches my eye, or I should say someone.


She is standing only a couple of feet away from me and looks stunning in her blue, knee-length, strapless dress. And that can only mean one thing, the reason I recognized the name of this place is that Ezra mentioned it. Shit! I would have said no if I knew it was the event they are attending. I can’t be here! He will think I am stalking him. It’s like some sick joke.

“Alana, are you okay?” Lucy asks.

I put my best smile on. “Yes, fine, let’s get to work. I will start at table one.”

This can’t be happening! I will do what I can to avoid Bella and Ezra. He doesn’t need to know I am here. It shouldn’t be hard. There are a lot of people here. I concentrate on work, not wanting to mess up or fall.

I go toward table one. “Champagne, anyone?” I ask politely.