“Help yourself, angel.” Alana looks through them because there is a variety.

“Oh, double chocolate with chunky chocolate chips, my favourite.” She grins, breaking a bit off and popping into her mouth, then handing the bag back to me. I shake my head and set it down. I don’t want anything to eat, not right now.

We sit in silence while she eats her cookie.

“Tell me, Ezra. What is your game? Why are you chasing after me while you are with someone? And how did you find out my phone number and address?” she asks.

I was wondering when this topic of conversation would arise. I take a deep breath, trying to work out in my head what to say to her. I don’t think I am playing a game, rather, I am just single-mindedly going after what I want. Alana stares at me, waiting for my answer.

I sigh.I need answers from him because I don’t understand what is going on.

I can’t let him distract me from reality, which will work if he tries hard enough. On one hand I like to think I am the type of girl who doesn’t get involved with men who are taken, but I have never met someone like Ezra. On the other hand, I have plenty of self-control, so I shouldn’t worry.

“My game? I’m not playing any games, Alana. My relationship is complicated, and the only reason we are still together is because our parents and friends are happy for us. Us being together keeps them happy. It’s something I don’t want to discuss,” he answers firmly. I can tell by the look on his face whatever the reasons are, they irk him.

“Why an interest in me?” I push because he didn’t tell me what I want to know.

“Why not?”

I groan with annoyance, running my fingers through my hair with frustration because I hate it when people answer a question with another question. Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed to let him come over because we don’t seem to be getting anywhere. How can I trust him if he refuses to be honest with me?

“I think the answer to the question is obvious, Ezra. I don’t belong in your world. You don’t belong in mine. It is that simple.” I sigh. It wouldn’t matter in what aspect we get involved because it will never work. I hate everything his world represents. There are far more important things in life than wealth, power, reputations, and fancy things.

“No one would need to know, bright eyes.” He shrugs. He should be more bothered than I am, after all, he has more to lose than I do.

Does he honestly believe I am going to be his dirty little secret? I am not ashamed of who I am. I have fought too hard for everything I have in my life, and I refuse to feel humiliation at the hands of someone else.

“Seriously? I deserve better than that. I have more self-worth than being someone’s dirty little secret,” I snap.

Ezra looks taken back by my outburst. “Calm the hell down, Alana. I never meant it in a bad way,” he snaps back.

I jump to my feet, pacing. “Yeah, sure, you never! I am not going to be your side chick, Ezra!” I state firmly as I twirl around to rest my hands on my hips and face him.

I see a smirk grow on his lips. “Oh, don’t you smirk at me, Mr.,” I warn. I am not in the mood for his arrogance.

He doesn’t say a word, instead he takes a cookie from the bag, resting back on my sofa, and casually eats his snack. Did he come here for the sole purpose to piss me off? Because it is working.

“Do you want a bite? I don’t mind sharing,” he says calmly.

“No! I want answers!” I demand. I’m quickly getting tired of repeating myself.

He continues to munch on the cookie, falling silent. “Ahh! Screw you!” I complain, tossing my hands in the air, walking towards my bedroom.

“Can I follow you so we can do what you said?” he calls after me.

I ignore him as I go into my bedroom, slamming the door like a stroppy teenager. I am a twenty-three-year-old woman. A man shouldn’t be making me act this way. I hope he takes the hint and leaves. We are no further along with this entire situation than when he first arrived. I climb onto my bed and bury my face in the pillow to start screaming into it. It makes me feel better, but only slightly.

I hear movement in my living room, praying he will leave, but the footsteps are coming closer rather than becoming distant. I turn onto my back, and glance up at my door, seeing it open and he walks in, smiling brightly.

“Do you plan on coming back?” He takes a seat on the bottom of my bed.

“Do you plan on leaving?” I question, and he shakes his head. “Then no, I am staying here,” I huff.

The next thing I know he kicks his shoes off and crawls up onto my bed to lay next to me. I raise my brow at him. His confidence, I think, is endearing. I don’t like people invading my space without my permission, it usually stresses me out, but for some strange reason him doing it doesn’t seem so bad.

“I am in no rush. Nowhere to be, no one to see.” He flashes a dorky smile at me. I try to keep a serious look on my face, but it doesn’t work because I let out a giggle as I shake my head.

Ezra scoots closer, his thigh brushes mine. I whimper at such a brief touch, then he rests his hand on my knee, his warm breath fanning my skin. I close my eyes, trying to pull myself together. I can feel him watching me.