He mutters something under his breath. “I will make you a deal. If you agree to meet me for a coffee, I will tell you where and how I got it.” Even though I can’t see his face, I bet there’s a smug look on it.
Yeah, I refuse to play his games. “I warned you. Goodbye!” I hang up before he can say another word. It only takes him a second to call me back, and I decide to be a smartass. I answer his call saying, “Sorry! Alana can’t come to the phone right now. Please call back later or leave your message after the tone when you are single. Beep.” I hit the hang-up button again. He tries one last time. The man is persistent! I put it on silent and ignore him.
I wish he would take the hint. Yes, he is damn sexy, and there are many dirty things I would like to do with him, and if he was single, maybe I would go for it, but he isn’t. I groan in frustration and toss my phone onto the sofa before I finally make my coffee. I am still trying to work out his interest in me. A man of his stature shouldn’t be interested in someone like me. Men like him should be with the type of women who were at the event, especially women like Bella, even if she is a horrible human being.
I make a sandwich to go with my coffee, ready to get back to my nest on the sofa and continue to read my book, because it is getting steamy! And I love some steamy romance, especially those with hot, possessive men who fuck the main female character so good she can’t walk properly afterwards. I need to find one of those males for myself.
I wonder what Ezra is like in the sack.
I find myself getting a little hot and bothered as I read. I need to get laid. It has been months because I have had no time. I quickly devour the pages efficiently since I am enjoying it. When I like a book, I can read the entire thing in a couple of hours and have been known to sometimes read three books in a day.
I turn the page to the next chapter, eager to see what happens next but get disturbed by another knock on my door. Seriously! Can’t I have a day of peace? I ignore it, hoping whoever it is will take the hint and disappear, but my plan doesn’t work because they keep knocking, and each one seems to get progressively louder than the previous one.
I huff loudly, getting my ass off the sofa and head for the door. I don’t even check to see who it is because I am pissed off. I regret answering it when I see who is standing there.
“You have got to be joking! Ezra, why are you stalking me?” I groan, tossing my hands in the air. He shrugs, before he walks straight into my apartment. “Did I say you could come in?” I question through gritted teeth.
“Nope! But I don’t like being ignored, Miss Goodman.” I can tell by his voice he is irritated.
“And why is that my problem?” I mock and throw my hands in the air. He seems taken aback by my words along with my behaviour, probably because I’m utterly different towards him now as opposed to last night. I am sure I came across as shy and sweet, except for a couple of outbursts, but we are in a different environment now, and I don’t need to watch my mouth.
“Don’t mock me, Alana,” he says through gritted teeth while giving me a stern look.
“I can do as I bloody well please. You are in my apartment. You showed up uninvited.” I stand my ground and cross my arms over my chest.
Ezra raises a brow at me as he clenches his jaw. “Are you always so rude?”
I think I have a good reason to be rude, but I don’t believe that is the issue here. The problem is he isn’t used to people talking to him in such a manner.
“Excuse me? If anyone is rude in this situation, it’s you!” I retort.
“Me? Sending you flowers was rude?” he asks as he tilts his head and steps closer to me.
“No. But getting my address without my permission and showing up here uninvited is rude.” He takes another step forward, and my breathing becomes heavier.
“If you didn’t run off last night I wouldn’t have had to,” he replies. He is close enough now I can feel his warm breath on my face.
“I made it clear the reason why, Ezra. What made you think coming over here was going to change anything?” I steady my breathing, not wanting him to see how much he is getting to me by being so close.
“But you didn’t consider a couple of things. I don’t tend to listen or give in when there is something I want.” He rests his hand on my hip. I bite hard on my lip, barely stopping myself from whimpering.
“An-And wha-what is it you want, Ezra?” I stammer out, clenching my hands into fists by each side of my body to stop myself from doing something stupid like grabbing and kissing him. It’s a thought in my head, but one I won’t act on.
“Haven’t I made what I want clear by now?” His fingers circle my hip. “You. I want you…” He licks his lips after he trails off.
A moan escapes my lips the second he says those words. I had a feeling, but now he has confirmed it, it makes it real. I curse myself for showing him I like the sound of him wanting me.
“I-In life, w-we don’t always get what-you know-ah-what we want,” I finally stammer out, trying to pull myself together.
“Maybe other people don’t, but I do.” I don’t know if he is confident or cocky, maybe a little of both.
“You aren’t getting me, not while you have a girlfriend.” I take a step back from him, resting my hands on my hips. “You should leave,” I say firmly. He needs to leave for both of our sakes.
“This isn’t over, kitten. See you soon.” He smirks and leaves my apartment. How does he plan on seeing me soon? Is he just going to keep randomly showing up at my apartment? He now has my phone number and address. I am not sure how I feel about this.
I grab a cushion, burying my face in it I scream. I wish he would have just forgotten me! There is no need for him to be chasing after me when he already has a girlfriend, no matter how much of a bitch she is. If he doesn’t want to be with her, then he should break it off. I’m surprised he has a girlfriend; he doesn’t seem to be the type of guy to be tied down. I have no idea how their relationship works, and it is none of my business, but I know I am not getting involved with him.
Things like this don’t happen to me! Not with men like Ezra. And quite frankly, it is messing with my damn head! I sigh, running my fingers through my hair, and decide to run a bubble bath. They always relax me, along with a small glass of wine. With any luck, Ezra will become bored with me and find someone else to put his attention on, or even better, put it all on his damn girlfriend, because I’m positive she would be needy as heck.