I keep my mouth shut—no point in arguing because he will not listen. His girlfriend is not going to be happy that he is helping me. I don’t understand what her issue is with me. She doesn’t even know me. If it’s all because I didn’t get her a drink, then she needs to grow up and get a damn grip on reality. She is probably used to getting what she wants, like everyone else here. I wish my problems were that small and pointless.

I dread when Colin gets me alone. There is a high chance he will fire me after what happened, even though it wasn’t my fault.

“Hop upon the desk while I get the first aid kit,” I say, nodding at the desk. “It is, Alana, right?” I am sure that is what I heard Colin call her.

“Yes, sir.” She smiles, looking over at me. She has such a beautiful, inviting smile. I am sure it has knocked many men on their asses because it is enough to make me weak, and that takes a lot.

Alana caught my eye the second she came out of the kitchen with a tray balanced on her hand. She is beautiful, which I noticed straight away, but the second we were in close proximity, her deep brown eyes drew me in even more. They are not only gorgeous but gentle too. I like how her face isn’t caked in make-up. She is a natural beauty. I don’t tend to go for girls like her, ones who aren’t in the same social bracket as me. Yes, it makes me sound like an asshole saying that, and I am one, most of the time, but it was how I was raised. As my parents would say, I shouldn’t be looking at the help. I am sure they will lecture me later about standing up for her, not to mention taking her away to get cleaned up, but frankly, I don’t give a damn.

I easily find the first aid kit. I always familiarise myself with anywhere I go because I’m a mad control freak, and if I don’t, it makes me anxious. There is a story behind it, one I don’t tend to talk about. I make my way back to Alana, taking her hand in mine. I turn it over so her palm is facing up so I can tend to her injury.

“I am sure your girlfriend is fuming. You probably should have let someone else do this.” She sighs, pushing away her bangs that had escaped the tie her long, wavy, dark hair was pulled back in.

I have to stop myself from scoffing when she calls Bella my girlfriend. She is my girlfriend, and we have been together for six months now, but it isn’t what it seems. I don’t love her. She annoys the hell out of me. The sex is good, but too vanilla for me. I don’t think she loves me either. She’s with me because of who I am. I am with her to keep my parents off my back. It works for us, but I don’t know how much longer I can continue. I’ve cheated on her more than once, but I’m positive she’s cheated on me too, and I couldn’t care less.

“She can be furious all she wants. She is the reason why this happened. I am sorry she did this to you, Alana,” I say, letting out a sigh. I will have a word with Bella later.

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she replies, rolling her eyes.

I didn’t expect Bella to lash out at Alana because she didn’t get a drink. I was expecting Bella to give a dirty look here and there, and a few snide remarks, but not this. She crossed a line. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but Bella is a spoiled bitch, and if she doesn’t get what she wants, then she will go batshit crazy!

I clean her hand, causing her to hiss in pain. “Sorry. On the bright side you don’t need stitches.” I smile as I cover the wound.

“Thank you for taking care of it,” she replies, tugging her lower lip between her teeth. Her eyes are bright with what seems like lust.

A couple of stray hairs fall on her face, and she tries to blow them away but fails. I chuckle as I reach forward to stroke them away for her. A soft whimper escapes from her lips, and her skin is warm under my touch. “You are welcome, gorgeous.” I brush my fingers over her cheek.

Alana swallows hard. “I-I should head back out before Colin fires me, and you should re-join everyone,” she stammers out.

Colin isn’t going to fire her. I will make sure of it. He has catered for a lot of my family’s events because he is an incredible chef, but he is a jackass, and Alana doesn’t deserve to be fired for something that wasn’t her fault.

“No, you stay put. The event is nearly finished,” I state firmly.


“But nothing. Stay here and don’t worry about him, okay?” Alana sighs, then nods her agreement. “I will be back.” I smile before exiting.

I dart my way through everyone, ignoring the eyes on me as I search for Colin. I find him in the kitchen. “Mr. Barclay, can I help you with something? Please tell me Alana hasn’t caused any more issues?” he sounds annoyed. He isn’t even trying to mask it. How many times do I need to explain it wasn’t her fault?

“Any more issues?” I question, cocking a brow at him.

“Yes. Your girlfriend informed me she was rude to her earlier and what happened was Alana’s fault, not hers.” Why am I not surprised? “You don’t need to worry. I plan on firing her tonight.” The annoyance in his voice has now turned to anger.

“No. You will do no such thing! Alana wasn’t rude to her. It was the other way around. If you fire Alana, don’t expect to continue to work for my family,” I warn him. I may be taking it a step too far, but I refuse to let someone lose their job because Bella didn’t get her way.

A shocked look covers his face. “Fine. I won’t fire her,” he says, defeated.

He better not be telling me what I want to hear. I make a mental note to check up on this to ensure she won’t lose her job. “Good!” I stop there and leave the kitchen to return to where I left Alana. She hasn’t moved, not even an inch. She is in the exact same spot. I expected her to run away or at least get off the desk, but I am glad she didn’t.

“Am I fired?” she whispers nervously. “I can’t afford to be fired,” she says as she runs her fingers through her hair, and tears brim in her eyes.

I step into her space, using my thumb I wipe away the tears before they have a chance to fall far. “You are not fired, I promise. I made sure of it. Call me if Colin gives you any issues, and I will sort him out.”

She is so damn beautiful up close. I should remove my hand, but I don’t. I caress her cheek, and she reacts the same way she did the first time I touched her. My eyes divert from her eyes down to her lips. Alana’s tongue darts out of her mouth, and I mirror her action. I want nothing more than to close the space between us, let our lips meet and see where it would lead if I kissed her roughly.

I let my eyes meet hers again. They seem darker now. “I should go-um-tha-that way,” she stutters, pointing to the office door.

“Why?” I exhale out. My breathing has become erratic, being so close to her is affecting me badly.