Alana backs away from my lips and strokes my cheek. “I missed you too.”

I go to capture her lips again, but there is a knock at the door. I groan in frustration.

“We can continue this later, for now, I need food.”

Alana pecks my lips and answers the door. She tips the guy, thanks him and comes back to me with the bottle of champagne. Alana plates the food up, and I pour us our drinks. We get comfortable on the bed. I have my back to the wall, and Alana sits across from me. I should tell her what happened with my dad, but it can wait until after dinner. We are celebrating her new job, which is the most important thing.

* * *

Alana and I are on the bed eating chocolate cake with ice cream, not caring it’s one o’clock in the morning. Room service is twenty-four hours at this hotel, luckily for us. We have had an eventful night, eating, drinking, watching movies, and having sex.

“I can’t believe you talked me into eating chocolate cake at this time in the morning.” I chuckle, shaking my head.

She snickers. “It’s a good source of energy. You love it, so stop complaining,” she teases.

I stick my tongue out at her before shoving another forkful in my mouth. Alana rolls her eyes, laughing at me. I haven’t brought up the run in with my dad yet, but maybe now would be a good time.

“So, I need to tell you something. I planned on telling you earlier, but we became occupied with other things.”

Alana pushes her plate to the side, looking at me worried. “Is everything okay?”

“Yes. At the restaurant when I was picking up dinner, I saw my parents. When I left my dad followed me and asked if I was having an affair. I told them I was going to visit a friend, but I don’t think he believed me,” I say honestly.

I watch panic fill her eyes. “Oh God. Does he know? Does he think I am some home wrecking hoe?” She whimpers.

I reach for her hand. “Please, don’t get upset, sweetheart. I told him I wasn’t, it took some convincing, but he believed me. He doesn’t know anything. I promise.”

“I am sorry you have to lie to your family, Ezra, because of me.” A few stray tears roll down her cheeks.

I quickly wipe them away. “You have nothing to be sorry for, angel. I don’t like lying to them, but I do it because you are worth it. What we have is worth it, and I know soon the lying can stop when we can be together officially. So, please don’t worry or apologise.” I kiss her softly.

“Okay. I will try,” she says, forcing a smile.

“It will all work out in the end, I swear,” I insist, kissing her again.

She wipes her eyes before picking her chocolate cake back up. “I am sure the rest of this will make me feel better.” She snickers.

“I am sure it will, and afterwards, we can snuggle. That always makes you feel better.”

Alana smiles brightly, nodding her head. I understand why she is upset, but I don’t want her to overthink. I’m sure I can find ways to keep her mind off it.

I’m finally usingsome of the money Ezra gave me. I'm not using it only for me, more for him. I plan on spending it on something we can enjoy together. He has had a shitty couple of days between work and Bella. He didn’t go into much detail, but I knew it was getting him down and stressing him out. I plan on cheering him up and stopped by a lingerie store because I plan to play dress-up for him when he comes by the hotel tonight.

It's times like these I wish I had close female friends to shop with, to get their advice or opinions on what I am buying. I haven’t bought much lingerie since I haven’t had anyone to dress up for until I met Ezra.

I’m walking around the store browsing with no idea what I am looking for. Well, I know one thing, the colors of what I am looking for. Red or blue because they are Ezra’s favourite colors. I don’t want to buy anything too expensive and would prefer to buy a few things rather than one expensive thing.

My eyes fall on some gorgeous underwear sets. You can get them in different colours in lace or silk. I think I need to go take a peek. I stroll over, glancing over them to see if they have any in my size. Luckily, they have a few. I smirk as I take a red and black lace set from the hanger, one that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. The panties are crotchless, and I am sure with the support of the bra, my boobs are going to be nice and perky. I toss them into my basket and continue to look around.

I think I want a sexy baby doll with some stockings to match. I am sure Ezra will love those, and not only that, but I know I will feel sexy wearing them. I dart my eyes around the room, trying to find what I am looking for, and finally spot them. This shop sure isn’t lacking on choice. I find myself becoming excited when I see all the options. I will get two, and those, along with the underwear set, will be enough.

I take my place in front of them, tapping my finger on my chin as I try to decide. Though, I soon become distracted by something, or I should say, someone. I spot Bella and a couple of her friends only a few feet away from me. Fuck! She is the last person I want to see, even if she has no clue who I am. I turn my back to them, but they are still close enough for me to hear what they are talking about. I am curious to see if she is here buying or if her friends are.

“Any idea what you are looking for, Bella?” one of her friends asks.

“Something sexy and purple, because that is Ezra’s favorite color.” She giggles.

I can’t help but roll my eyes because it isn’t his favourite colour. You would think she would know something so simple, considering how long she’s been with him. She can buy whatever the hell she wants, but it isn’t going to work because Ezra doesn’t want her in that way anymore.