“Hello, babe,” she coos, sounding happy to hear from me.

“Hello, angel. I am sorry I haven’t been in touch. We are still out. Bella ran into some friends.” I sigh loudly, disappointed in myself for not managing to reach Alana before now.

Oh is the only word she says. Unfortunately, I don’t think I am the only one disappointed.

“Please don’t be upset with me, bright eyes. I will make an excuse and hopefully be with you soon.” I try to sound confident so she knows I mean it.

“I am not upset with you, Ezra. I am heading to bed soon. There is probably no point in you coming over tonight,” she whispers. Her voice sounds shaky. She is clearly upset, even if she denies it.

“But I want to see you tonight,” I protest, hoping to encourage her to change her mind.

“I want to see you too, but I am tired and want to sleep. We can see each other tomorrow if you aren’t too busy or haven't made plans with Bella.” The tone of her voice changes when she says Bella’s name. It is almost…hateful.

A part of me wants to fight with her on her choice, but I don’t think it will work considering she is annoyed with me.

“Okay, tomorrow will need to do. I am really sorry, sweetheart. I wanted to end my night with you,” I reply sadly.

“See you tomorrow. Goodnight, Ezra.”

I don’t get a chance to say anything back because she hangs up. I clench my fist in frustration. “Fuck!” I hiss.

I don’t like knowing she is upset because of me. I just hope now we are back in reality—which will make things harder for us—she doesn’t start pulling away from me, because that will break my fucking heart.

I gather myself and head back to the table. I notice they have ordered another bottle of wine and roll my eyes before approaching. I won’t be staying much longer. Bella can do what she pleases, but I won’t be joining her.

“Do you want another glass?” Bella asks as I retake my seat.

I shake my head. “No, thanks. I need to leave soon because I have an early start tomorrow and a busy day.”

Bella rests her hand over mine, smiling. “We can leave soon, babe.”

“No, it’s okay. You stay, enjoy your night.” I don’t want her to leave with me because it means she will end up staying with me.

She squeezes my hand. “Nonsense. I am coming back with you since we haven’t seen much of each other recently.”

I fake a smile and nod. Bella has made up her mind, and I am not in the mood to fight her. As long as she doesn’t try anything, I can deal with her sharing my bed.

This was not how I wanted to end my night.

I’ve beenawake since five this morning after a restless night. I missed not having Ezra next to me. I’ve been going stir-crazy on and off since I spoke to him last night. I kept having bad thoughts, picturing Ezra with Bella. I know he promised nothing would happen between them, and I am sure he meant it when he said it, but things can change. I hate myself for doubting him, but the power of a woman can be intoxicating and hard to resist. I am ashamed of considering these thoughts.

I didn’t know I had these sides of me, jealous and needy, but they seem to have come out since meeting Ezra. I am not sure what to think about them. One thing I am sure of, though, is I need to get out of this room. It is already nine, and I haven’t heard from Ezra. I assume he is either working or still with Bella.

The hotel has a swimming pool and sauna, things I am going to make use of after breakfast. I have my bikini on under my clothes, and everything I need is packed in my bag. Ensuring I have my key card I leave my cell in the room before I head out.

I keep my head down as I walk down the hallway towards the elevator. I don’t belong in a fancy place like this. I feel out of place. I may be wearing the same expensive clothes everyone else is wearing, but only because Ezra bought them for me. Everything else around me makes me feel like I am the type of person who shouldn’t be here.

I press the button on the elevator and wait for it to come up to the sixth floor. I anxiously tap my fingers on my leg. The moment the door opens, I rush inside, thankful to be the only one in it.

I am dreading having breakfast alone. I am sure the other people in the restaurant will be silently judging me. I plan on only having some fruit and a coffee, so I won’t be in there too long.

The elevator stops on the ground floor. I say a quick hello to the receptionist on my way to the dining area. There are so many people here, and no one is sitting alone. I glance around, and find a free table. It only takes a minute after I sit down for the waitress to approach.

“Good morning. Can I get you something to drink, or would you prefer to wait for your company to join you?” she asks politely.

“Can I have a black coffee, please, with a bottle of milk on the side,” I answer.

“Sure. Do you want to order for whoever will be joining you?”