“You should go, Ezra. Even if it’s to save face and stop questions from being asked. If you don’t want to raise any suspicions until you work out an exit plan, then you need to make things appear as normal as possible.” I feel sick to my stomach as I talk because the last thing I want is to encourage him to spend time with her, but I don’t know what else to do.

“I guess, but I will try to find a way to make sure she goes home to her place after and then I will come to the hotel to stay with you.” He smiles and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

I appreciate him going to try to spend time with me, but I don’t know if it will be as easy, especially since Bella hasn’t seen him in a week. She may be after something else from him. I feel sick even at the thought that she might want to have sex with him. He promised me nothing would happen between them, but he doesn’t know that. They have been together a while, so I am sure she knows exactly how to get what she wants. I am going to end up driving myself mad with all these thoughts running around in my head.

“Okay.” It’s the only word I can get out at the moment.

“Dinner should be ready soon. I have made mac and cheese, and some garlic bread. I thought comfort food would be a good idea for tonight.”

I need as much comfort as I can get tonight. “Yes, comfort food sounds good.”

He steals one last kiss then heads over to finish making dinner. “Where are we eating?” I ask so I know where to set up.

He smiles brightly at me before saying, “I thought we could sit outside on the patio. Take some wine out with us too and enjoy a night under the sky.”

“I would love that, babe,” I gush. I will miss our time in the yard, using the pool and hiding under the waterfall. It has become like our own little sanctuary the last week.

“Can you take the plates, cutlery and wine glasses out, please, and I will bring the food and the wine?”

“Sure.” I smile, grabbing everything we need and heading out to set it up.

This is the perfect way for us to end our last night together in his home, and hopefully it won’t be forever.

* * *

Ezra and I are lying down on a blanket beside the waterfall under the stars. The light from the full moon shines down on us. We moved here after dinner. I have my head on his chest, and his arm is tightly and protectively around me.

“Alana, I know I said I wouldn’t push, but it has been a week since I asked you to come work for me, and you haven’t given me an answer or mentioned it,” he says softly, caressing the small of my back with his fingertips.

I’ve been thinking about it a lot, but I hadn’t brought it up with him yet. To start with, I didn’t believe it was such a good idea. Now, my thoughts have changed. The pros seem to outweigh the cons. Firstly, I need the job. Secondly, it would be an excellent experience for me and my future. Lastly, and probably the most fun part, I will get to spend more time with Ezra.

“Yes, I planned on discussing it with you tonight. It may not seem like it, but I have been thinking about it,” I tell him honestly.

“And what is the verdict?” He has a hopeful look in his eyes as he stares at me patiently, waiting for my decision.

I make him wait for a moment, wondering how far I can push his patience. His brow furrows as he taps his fingers on his leg, quickly showing his impatience. Feeling a thrill, I smile brightly at him. “Yes, I will come work for you.”

Ezra’s entire face lights up. “This is going to be incredible, angel. I swear I am a fair boss. Though, you may get some special treatment behind closed doors in my office.” He has a huge smirk with every word he says.

A small whimper comes from my lips at the thought of what we could do in his office, on his desk. I smile seductively at him and then boop his nose. “Mmm, I look forward to it, bossman.”

Ezra chuckles. “Me too, sweetness.”

“On a more professional note, what do I need to know, and when can I start?” I love the idea of messing around, but I need to take the job seriously because I need it.

“I think the best thing to do is come to my office on Monday for a pretend interview. It may raise some questions if I give it to you straight up.”

He has a point. A pretend interview sounds like a proper way to start. “Yes, good idea, babe,” I agree.

“And we can get you started the following Monday. How does that sound?”

I lean up and kiss him, my way of sealing our deal. “Like a good plan.”

It will be a new experience for me to work in a business setting. I am both nervous and excited about the new prospect.

“I hope I don’t mess it up.” I sigh, sharing my worries with him.

Ezra plants a kiss on top of my head. “You will be amazing, angel. I will be right there if you need help or have any questions.”