“Yes. Why are you standing around here? Do you need a ride?”

Lucas has always been nice to me, but I know he’s a bit of a womaniser. He likes the ladies a little too much. He always seems to sit next to me in class. One of the girls in our class keeps telling me he is into me, but I don’t believe her. He has never asked me out or anything. I would have told him no, even if he did before I met Ezra.

“I’m waiting for my ride.” I see Ezra’s car pull up as I answer, stopping right in front of where Lucas and I are standing.

Lucas moves from my side to stand in front of me. “I want to ask you something.” He places his hand on my arm, looking me straight in the eye. “Would you like to go out sometime? On a date, I mean, with me?”

“No, she won’t go on a date with you because she is already taken,” Ezra hisses from behind him.

I glance over Lucas’s shoulder and see an unamused look on Ezra’s face, he’s not happy. Lucas spins around to check out who the voice belongs to.

“Alana is with you?” The surprise in his voice is evident. It is like a reminder to me that I shouldn’t be with a man like Ezra.

Ezra steps in closer to him. “Yes. Now leave. Alana isn’t interested in college boys.”

Lucas holds his hands up. “Whatever, dude. I don’t want any trouble.” He walks away, muttering goodbye as he leaves.

I rest my hand on my hip, and glare at Ezra. “What was the need for that?”

Ezra reaches for me, resting his hands on my hips and he brings me to him roughly. “Because I don’t appreciate other men hitting on my girl.”

I don’t have a chance to speak because he crashes his lips to mine, his way of claiming me in front of anyone. I whimper, fisting his tee as I kiss him back. He is driving me wild. But then reality hits me when I remember we are in public. Anyone could see us. I abruptly pull away and go into panic mode.

“Alana, what is wrong?” he asks, sounding confused, with disappointment shining in his eyes.

I sigh, shaking my head. “Anyone could see us. We can’t be doing things like this in public.”

I rush over to the car and climb into it. The last thing either of us needs is to be caught while he is still with Bella. Ezra climbs in a moment later. “Sorry, bright eyes, I didn’t even think. I hate that we need to hide our relationship, but I promise it won’t be for much longer.”

Ezra places his hand on my thigh, squeezing it. I cover his hand with mine, linking our fingers. “It’s okay. I forgot too for a moment.”

Ezra starts the car, and we start the journey to his house. I move to rest my head on his shoulder. He keeps one hand on the steering wheel and slips the other around me, kissing the top of my head. I smile because I always love it when he does this, it is such a sweet gesture.

“How were classes?” He sounds genuinely interested, which is nice because that hasn’t always been the case with other guys in my life, not like there have been many.

“Good. Though I have a lot of work to do.”

“You can borrow my office if you need peace and quiet,” he suggests.

“Thank you. But I would be happy enough to sit on the living room floor and hang out with you while I study, unless you have things to do?”

He strokes my arm. “Or you can do that. Yes, your idea is better. I can make us some dinner, and we can have some wine if you like.”

I nuzzle his neck. “Sounds perfect.”

Ezra lets out a loud sigh. “Everything okay?” I ask, wondering why he is sighing.

He plants another kiss on top of my head. “Everything is great, beautiful. It was a happy one.”

“What did you do today?” I only got to briefly speak with him today.

“Not much. Replied to some emails, sorted some documents out, and that about sums it up,” he replies.

“No one unexpected showed up?” I’m still waiting for Bella to appear because if I knew my man was at home sick, I would want to take care of him. From what I have heard Bella doesn’t seem like the type who would do something like that, yet I can’t stop worrying about her.

“Thankfully no.” He sounds relieved.

“That’s good then.” It doesn’t mean she still can’t, though.