“Yeah. I just wanted to give you privacy for your call with Bella.” I shrug, pretending I am not affected by the entire thing.

“I am sorry. I didn’t expect her to call me. Are you upset with me?” He brushes my wet hair from my face.

“No,” I answer with my best smile.

Ezra takes a moment to study me. “You are lying. Talk to me,” he encourages.

“Ezra, I am not upset with you. I promise.” It is the truth because I am not mad at him.

“What’s wrong then? Please be honest with me,” he pleads, stroking my arm.

I take a deep breath, nodding. “It isn’t you. It is her. I hate how you are still hers. She is so damn beautiful, and the exact type of woman a man like you is expected to be with. I can’t compete with someone like Bella. You two live in the same world and follow the same rules. How am I supposed to replace her in a society I don’t belong in?”

Yes, we have discussed these things before, and I am trying not to think on it too much, but when she appears in some shape or form, all these questions and doubts start to run around in my head.

Ezra sighs, running his fingers through his wet hair. “On the outside she is beautiful, but on the inside, not so much. Alana, I don’t want her. I only wish to be with you. Why can’t you see that? I may stay in that world, but I don’t belong in it. I have never felt like I have. I am only in it because I was lucky to be adopted into it, to be brought into a life I could never have dreamt of,” he says softly.

He takes my lips with his, kissing me sweetly, which is enough to make me forget what we were talking about. I slip my arms around his neck and kiss back. It’s a tender kiss. When he parts his lips from mine, he rests his forehead on mine. “You and me, I promise.” He smiles.

“You and me…” I repeat his words, smiling back at him.

The last fewdays with Alana have been incredible hiding away in our own little bubble has been wonderful. I would love to have stayed there, but reality intrudes in the shape of Alana having classes today, and I don’t want her to fall behind on her studies. She also has them for a half day tomorrow, but after that, I can have her all to myself for another couple of days.

“Alana, would you hurry up, please? You need to have breakfast before I drop you off,” I call upstairs.

I plan on dropping her off. It may be a little risky in case someone sees me, but I don’t care. The car has tinted windows anyway, so as long as no one recognizes my vehicle, it should be fine. According to everyone else I’m still sick. Once I drop her off I have a couple of things to do, but after that I am heading straight back home and hiding there until I need to pick her up.

“I am coming, don’t get your panties in a twist,” she calls back, snickering.

I chuckle, shaking my head and stroll back to the kitchen, plating up breakfast for us. I made eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee. I want to make sure she has a decent meal before she leaves because there is a chance she won’t eat anything again until she comes back after six tonight.

I hear Alana coming downstairs and pour her a coffee.

“Can’t a girl get ready in peace?” she whines from behind me.

I turn to face her, smiling. She has a pair of skinny black jeans, a strappy tee with a shirt over the top and vans on her feet. She has her hair in a perfect high ponytail and a little mascara and lip gloss on.

“Nice of you to finally join me, bright eyes,” I tease, smirking at her.

Alana rolls her eyes and flips me off before going to sit at the table, making sure to grab her mug of coffee on the way. I chuckle, lifting the plates I join her.

“I have plenty of time before we need to leave. I would have had more if someone wasn’t horny when he woke up.” She wiggles her brow at me, smirking.

“What do you expect me to do when I wake up and you are completely naked next to me? How do you suppose I could resist you?” I ask. It was my fault, but I couldn’t help myself.

She says with a giggle, “If I am late, it is your fault, naughty man.” She takes a sip of her coffee, moaning with appreciation at her first sip of the day.

“I never heard you complain, kitten. All I heard was you screaming, begging for more, and I am sure there were a couple of oh my God’s in there too.” I try not to be too smug, but I fail.

“Oh, hush and eat your breakfast,” she demands.

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply, popping a piece of bacon into my mouth.

Alana shakes her head and tucks into her food. “You are such a good cook, babe. Who taught you?”

“I am self-taught. I was stressed one day and decided to try cooking something. It turns out I had a knack for it. I took some cooking lessons to help.” I always enjoy cooking. It helps relax me.

Alana smiles brightly at me, leaning over to peck my lips. “Well, you are incredible.”