I turn around to face him on my knees. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” I say nervously.

“I know, but I meant it, Alana. I won’t break your heart.” He sits up, patting his lap. I get up from the floor, and straddle him, and he places his hands on my hips.

I kiss his lips softly, and they curl into a smile.

“How long were we sleeping?” he asks.

“Three hours.” I chuckle.

“Oh wow, we must have needed it. How are you doing, sweetheart?” Ezra caresses my face.

I close my eyes, moving into his touch. “I’m doing okay. What about you?”

“I’m okay too. It felt good to tell someone finally, you know,” he replies.

“Yes. It does help to talk about it. I am here for you, Ezra, no matter what happens.” I mean every word. Even if we don’t work out how I want, I will still be on the other end of the phone if he needs to talk.

“Thank you, angel. I am here for you too.” He pecks my lips and then hugs me to his chest. We become silent for a little while.

“Alana, I have something else I want to discuss with you, something to help with your job and financial situation.”

Honestly, with everything that has been going on today, I hadn’t even thought about either of them. I have had more important things to think of. I lift my head from his chest. “You do?” I wonder what he has come up with.

“Yes. I know you said you didn’t want to, but you can come work for me. I am looking for a new executive assistant. Mine is leaving. I know it isn’t the job you want, but it would look good on your resume after you graduate, especially working for a place with my family’s name. The pay is decent, and you would be in a business setting which would be great experience for you,” he says softly with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

“Ezra, is it such a good idea? What do we tell people? What if Bella comes in and recognizes me? What if working with each other is too much?” I ramble on, every worst-case scenario running through my head.

“We don’t tell anyone anything because it’s no one’s business. Bella never comes by, and if she does, she won’t realize who you are because she is too caught up in herself to notice anyone else. I think it would be fun for us to work together.” He smiles brightly when he says the last part.

I am in desperate need of a job and money, especially since I have nowhere to live once my week here is up, but the last thing I want is for things to become more complicated than they already are.

“Can I think on it?” I ask softly. I don’t want to make a rash decision.

“Take the time you need.” He is trying so hard to be supportive, but I see the disappointment in his eyes.

“Thank you.” I don’t want to get into it, not after everything we have been through today.

“At least promise me one thing, Alana. If you need anything until you get back on your feet, ask me: money, clothes, bills, a place to stay. I don’t want you struggling. If things were different, you could stay here with me, long term, but until I sort everything out, that isn’t an option.” He sighs.

“I will work something out. You have already done so much, Ezra, and I don’t want you thinking I am taking advantage of you.” That is the last thing I want him to feel.

“Alana, I have access to everything you need, so please, stop worrying, and don’t hesitate to ask, okay?” The firmness in his tone is back.

I hesitantly nod. He is about to say something when his cell begins to ring. I glance at it and see Bella’s name on the screen, along with her picture. The pit of my stomach tightens with jealousy. She is so damn beautiful and perfect; the type of woman I am sure everyone thinks Ezra should be with. Not only that, but she has Ezra. He is still officially hers, no matter what is going on between us. She is his girlfriend. I am his mistress, and that thought makes me feel sick. I never thought I would ever be someone’s mistress. Yes, Ezra and I have a special connection, more so than he does with her, but until he breaks things off with Bella, she is still his.

He stares at it.

“You should probably answer it.” I sigh, climbing off his lap. I walk away and find my way to the back door. I sit on the edge of the pool and put my feet in the water.

I honestly don’t know how I am going to handle things once this week is over because it means it will no longer be us. He will need to get back to his life to see Bella, and I will need to find somewhere else to go.

I feel tears brim in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away because I don’t want to cry. I need to hold on and stay strong for now until Bella is no longer an issue. Even after they are done I still have no idea what will happen between us. Yes, Ezra will be all mine, but do we still need to be a secret? I don’t think we will be out in the open immediately because it would make it evident that Ezra and I have been seeing each other while he was still with Bella. There are still so many questions and things we need to work out.

I stand up and dive into the water. The second I am in the water I feel myself relax. I don’t want to overthink, but I guess it is a natural reaction for our situation. I start swimming up and down the pool, getting a few lengths in before I stop and rest against the wall. I close my eyes, drawing in a few breaths.

The sound of a splash makes me open my eyes. I see Ezra swimming towards me, coming to the surface in front of me.

“Angel, are you okay?” he asks sadly.