“You have nothing to be sorry for, baby girl. I promised I would be honest with you. It is just a tough subject to discuss because even though it was so long ago, the wounds are still there, they’re still raw.” Anyone who ever said time is a healer lied, because it isn’t.

“Don’t worry, Ezra, I won’t push anymore tonight because I know how hard it was for you to tell me what you did. It has been an emotional day, and we have an entire week to learn about each other’s lives, demons, and scars.”

Alana reaches up, kissing me softly, then pulls away after a moment before snuggling into me. “Thank you for not pushing me,” I say with relief and plant a kiss on top of her head.

“I would never, Ezra …” She lays her head on my chest and I slip my arm around her.

This feels right having her wrapped in my arms, more so than having Bella next to me ever has. Alana is partially sprawled over the top of me and brings the covers right up. “So, this is how we are sleeping, huh?” I chuckle, glancing down at her.

“Yep! Unless you are uncomfortable?” She gives me a look I can never say no to. The sweet, innocent one with her bright eyes feeling like they are staring straight into my soul.

“No, it’s fine just like this, angel.” Even if I wasn’t I’d still tell her I’m fine.

“Yay!” she cheers, smiling brightly at me. “We should sleep. I am tired,” she says before she cracks a yawn.

“Good idea, sweetness,” I agree and use my voice to command the lights to turn off.

“Goodnight, Mr. fancy with your voice-activated house.” She laughs, stealing a goodnight kiss.

“Goodnight, bright eyes. Sweet dreams.” I slip my hand under the covers and my tee she has on and tickle the small of her back.

It doesn’t take long for her breathing to even out, and for her to be sound asleep. I smile down at her. Even if in the darkness I can’t see her face, to know she is here with me for the night will be enough for me to rest easy.

I wake,and it takes me a moment to remember where I am. I reach for Ezra, but his side of the bed is empty and cold. Sitting up, I glance around, but he is nowhere in sight. I panic because I am alone in his bedroom, and don’t know where he is, or what is going on outside this room, and it makes me uneasy. I want to go search for him, but I’m scared. What if Bella has shown up or someone else? I can’t risk finding him if he's not alone. How would I explain who I am or why I’m here?

I search for my cell, deciding to call him would be my safest bet. I quickly find his name and hit the call button. It rings a few times, and I second guess myself, wondering what if he isn’t alone? Oh shit, what if he can’t take my call? I go to hang up, but before I do, he answers.

“Alana, why are you calling me from the bedroom?” He chuckles.

“I didn’t want to come find you in case Bella or someone has shown up.” I sigh. I hate how I worry about these things, but I need to continue to err on the side of caution with this situation until things are sorted.

“No one will bother us, sweetness. I’ve told everyone I have the flu and to stay away. So, come and join me in the kitchen,” he says softly.

“Okay. Be there soon, maybe in a couple of hours, because it will take me that amount of time to find you in this place.” I giggle.

“You are being a drama queen, sweetness.” He laughs, and even though I can’t see him, I know he will be rolling his eyes. “Now get your cute little ass down here.” He hangs up the phone.

It makes me feel better knowing no one will be coming over. I pull my ass out of bed and start my trek to find him. Why does one house need so many rooms? I get lost like four times before I even manage to reach the stairs, and I don’t even know if it is the same set we came up last night. How can someone navigate through this house? I am seriously starting to get annoyed! There is only one thing for it.

“EZRA, COME FIND ME. I AM LOST!” I call out, huffing.

I stand at the top of the stairs, arms folded over my chest, and tap my foot on the floor waiting for him. A few minutes pass, and I’m ready to give up, go find his room and climb back into bed.

“Calm down, woman,” he says with a chuckle, appearing at the bottom of the stairs, amused with my annoyance.

“Don’t laugh at me, jackass!” I whine.

“Aww, angel. I am sorry, can you forgive me?” He makes his way up towards me.

“No!” I protest, shaking my head.

He stops in front of me, resting his hands on my hips. “What if I told you I have made you chocolate chip pancakes? Would that help you to forgive me?” he asks sweetly.

“Chocolate chip, you say?” I try to hide my excitement because I love myself some chocolate chip pancakes.

“Yes. So, if you will take my hand, I’ll lead you to the delicious pancakes.” He matches his words with his actions and acts the perfect gentleman.

“Fine! But don’t think every time I am mad at you, you can make me forgive you with food,” I say firmly, taking his hand.