He can’t look me in the eye, which tells me there is more to this story. “Close to roasting,” he whispers.

“Why?” He told me we would talk and get to know each other better, so I think this would be a good start.

“Growing up we couldn’t afford hot water, so I had to choose between a freezing cold shower or not washing; sometimes the not washing sounded like the better option. I always felt dirty. Because of it I always got picked on at school and beaten up. I can’t stand the feel of cold water on my skin now.” He shudders as he speaks.

“I am sorry you had a bad start to life, Ezra.” I try not to sound too sympathetic because I don’t think he would appreciate it, but I do feel terrible for him. I know what it is like to have a bad childhood.

“It was a long time ago.” He’s trying to brush it off like it was nothing, but his eyes tell me a different story. He turns away from me, looking anywhere but me. He is closing up on me again.

I reach over, and brush his fingers with mine. My way of telling him I am here without using words. I will leave it for now, but I hope to encourage him to open up more to me as he said he would. In return, I will open up too. I know it isn’t an easy thing for either of us, but it won’t work if we stay closed off. Ezra brings his attention back to me, smiling softly and squeezing my hand.

We finally arrive at the main bathroom after walking for what feels like miles. The hallways in this place are so damn long. Ezra opens the door to let me in first, and I can’t believe the size of the room. The walls and floor are covered in black tiles. A bathtub sits in the middle of the floor. There are two sinks, each with a mirror on the wall above the sink. I glance around, and my eyes fall on the shower. I swear you could fit ten people in it. The shower head, oh my God, the shower head is huge, and I can tell by looking at it, it will be a powerful spray when it’s on.

“Why is there a bench in your shower?” I ask, confused. “It is also a steam room?” Why am I not surprised the man has a damn steam room in his house?

“What else do you have in this place that wouldn’t seem normal to me?” I giggle.

“I have a pool and a jacuzzi in the backyard. There is a movie theatre and a games room in the basement.” I think these are common things for the rich.

“Amazing! Can we watch a movie in it later?” I gush, batting my lashes at him. “We can do whatever you want, sweetheart.” He smiles, kissing my forehead.

He pulls away to switch the shower on and steam instantly surrounds the room in seconds. I don’t know how someone can shower in such heat. Wouldn’t it scold him? I watch as he adjusts it.

“Shower is ready, sweetness.” He smiles, stripping out of his clothes. I can’t help but watch him, admiring his beautiful body, but now isn’t the time for it because tonight we have connected in a different way, other than a sexual, and if I keep staring then my mind will go there and I don’t want it to, not now.

I only snap out of it when he chuckles and steps into the shower. I take my things off and head over to join him. Ezra reaches for me, placing his hands on my hips and flips us around so I am under the shower, and he is in front of me. The warm water feels nice on my cold skin.

“Does the water feel okay? Or is it still too warm?” he asks softly.

“No, it’s fine. Is it okay for you? Not too cold?” I don’t want him uneasy or to have a reminder of bad memories.

“Yes, it’s fine.” He reaches behind me, takes a washcloth, holds it under the shower and puts some shower gel on it. I was expecting him to use it on himself, but to my surprise he doesn’t, instead, he begins to wash me.

We have been intimate multiple times, but what he is doing is another level of intimacy. I close my eyes, enjoying it. “Do you want me to stop?” I answer with a shake of my head. Ezra continues running the cloth over my body. He arrives between my thighs, being so gentle, but it is enough to make my legs weak and a small gasp comes from my lips, yet he doesn’t seem to hear it. “Turn around, angel.”

I do what he asks, and present my back to him, and he starts washing there too. He kisses me all over my shoulders. “Beautiful,” he says. I moan softly, resting back against him. He moves my hair to one side, kissing my neck. “All done, sweetness.”

I twirl around, facing him again. “Thank you.” I press a soft kiss to his lips, and he instantly smiles before pulling away. “Let’s finish up in here. We can make food and watch a movie or talk like I promised.” He sounds nervous when he says the last part.

“We can talk tomorrow. Can we go to bed?” It’s late, and I am exhausted.

“Bed works for me too, angel.”

We can talk tomorrow when we are rested and have clear heads. All I want right now is to climb into a warm, comfortable bed and snuggle into Ezra. It has been a long, stressful, and sad day, but also happy because things seem to be getting better between us.

Alana standsawkwardly in the middle of my bedroom, with a towel wrapped around her. “Alana, sweetness, you can sit down and change you know?” I chuckle.

“Sorry. I still feel strange about being here. It’s like I’m intruding in your life.” She sighs, sitting down on the bed.

I understand why she feels like that, but she doesn’t need to. I take my place next to her, resting my hand on her knee. “You aren’t intruding, angel.” I caress her knee with my fingers.

She turns to me. “Promise?”

I smile and nod, leaning in to kiss her softly. “Now, stop worrying, sweetness and get changed,” I encourage her, squeezing her knee before getting to my feet.

Alana follows my lead, lifting my clothes and turning her back to me, she lets the towel drop to the floor. I am instantly distracted by her. I groan and lick my lips. I hear her snicker as she glances over her shoulder at me, raising her brow. “Enjoying the view?” She smirks.

“Yes,” I breathe out, I can’t help myself staring, she looks so damn perfect and beautiful. Alana shakes her head as she slips my tee on over her body, covering her gorgeous curves, then pulls my boxers on, and climbs into my bed.