“Angel, are you okay?” he asks, rubbing my knee.

“Yeah.” I sigh but refuse to look at him because I know he will see right through me.

“No, you aren’t. What’s on your mind?” It seems he can see through me whether I am looking at him or not. Resigning myself to face him I turn and see he's watching me out of the corner of his eye. “If you didn’t find me when you did, I was going to disappear,” I whimper, feeling the tears build in my eyes.

“Disappear?” he questions.

“Yes. Jump on a bus to anywhere that wasn’t here. It wouldn’t be like anyone would have noticed.” I quickly wipe my tears away.

“I would have, Alana. I would have noticed,” he replies. “Come here, beautiful,” he encourages. I move, resting my head on his shoulder, and he slips his free arm around me, kissing the top of my head. I close my eyes, smiling at the sweet gesture.

Silence falls between us in the car once again and stays for the rest of the journey to his place. When the vehicle comes to a stop I look up, and gasp in awe at what is in front of me. There is a huge white steel gate at the entrance and a wall just as high surrounding the rest of the house. It is incredibly secure. It is a well-lit area, which helps since it is raining and dark. Ezra rolls down his window, reaches out and puts a code into a keypad and the gates effortlessly open.

He drives us through the entrance heading up a long, paved driveway. A beautiful water feature comes into view. He stops the car outside of the double front door. His house is massive! I can’t believe this is his house! I have never seen anything like it. It has two stories; old white sandstone covers the outside walls. The grass green and well taken care of, alongside the palm trees and flowers.

I finally turn my attention back to him. “Wow, this place is out of this world, Ezra,” I gush, completely mesmerized. “You stay here alone?” I realize how stupid my question is the moment I ask it.

“No, I stay here with my secret wife and six kids,” he mocks.

“Don’t be a smartass. I realised it was a dumb question as soon as I finished speaking.” I huff, sticking my tongue out at him.

He laughs loudly as we get out of the car and walk over to each other, he rests his hand on the small of my back, and guides me up the steps to the house. I don’t know why I keep calling it a house, it isn’t one, it’s a mansion. “Ladies first.” He smiles as he opens the door and motions for me to go in first.

I nod. Entering, the place blows me away. I can’t get over the size of it. It has beautiful high ceilings and a spiral marble staircase. And like the hotel, chandeliers hands from the ceilings. It is a simple cream color, but it doesn’t make it any less gorgeous. Art hangs on the walls, expensive art by the looks of it. Ezra appears at my side, his hand on the small of my back again, it feels so natural.

“I will give you the grand tour soon, but before that we should get out of these wet clothes and shower.”

“Are you sure it is safe for me to be here? Bella isn’t just going to barge in at any second, is she?” I am still worried she will show up and catch me here. It wouldn’t go down well.

“Positive. I have locked the door and put the chain on, so she can’t get in unless I let her, but I will text her first thing and say I am in bed not well and to stay away so she doesn’t catch it. Bella hates being around sick people, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

I can’t help but be nervous, yet I smile and nod, not saying anything more about it. He takes my hand in his, letting our fingers intertwine, and leads us through the place.

“You can leave your things in my bedroom, or if you prefer you can take one of the spare rooms?”

I think about it before answering, “I will put my things in one of the spare rooms, but I would prefer it if I could share your room to stay in.” I don’t like staying in places I don’t know, and I would feel safer being in the same room with him.

“Yeah, of course, you can stay in my room, sweetness.” He smiles, one which reaches ear to ear. He leans in, pecking my lips, something about the kiss makes me relax. “I will show you the spare bedroom first to put your things in, and then we can go to my bedroom.”

I let him guide us to our destination since I have no idea where we are going. I continue to take everything in on the way. I can’t get my head around how incredible this place is.

“You can put your things in here,” he says, pausing by one of the bedroom doors and opening it. The room itself is bigger than my old apartment.

“My bedroom is next door, which means you won’t need to travel too far to get your things.” I place my things on the bed, not like there is much since I have lost nearly everything.

I can’t wait to get out of my wet clothes because they are clinging to my body, and I am starting to shiver because I am so cold. “I need to find something to change into.” I unzip my bag, ready to search.

Ezra comes up behind me. “Leave it. I will find something of mine for you to wear, angel.” He kisses my shoulders. I close my eyes, draw in a breath and rest back against him. Ezra nuzzles my neck, and his warm breath falls on my ear, causing me to shudder. “Let’s have a shower, sweetheart, then snuggle up.” He plants a soft kiss on my neck, and I nod.

He pulls away and we stroll next door holding hands to his bedroom. Ezra grabs a pair of joggers for himself and a tee and boxers for me.

“You are going to love my shower,” he says confidently.

“As long as it is warm with a powerful spray, I will be happy.”

“It may be too warm for you, but I can reduce the temperature a smidge. I like it hotter than a normal person.” I swear I hear a hint of sadness in his voice.

“How much hotter?” I ask, watching his face to see his reaction.