“Ezra, what am I going to do?” She sobs.
“Firstly, we are getting you out of here,” I reply. I refuse to let her stay here one more second.
Alana lifts her head to make eye contact with me. “And go where?” she whispers.
“I will book a hotel room for you for as long as you need it,” I reply, wiping the tears from her cheeks with the pads of my thumbs.
“You can’t. It isn’t your responsibility to take care of me.”
I think I should try to lighten the mood, it may work, or she may slap me, but I will try.
“Aww, angel, it is sweet that you think I am giving you a choice in the matter,” I say.
She places a hand on her hip. “Excuse me?”
I let out a small chuckle. “You either come with me, or I will toss you over my shoulder and carry you out to my car.” I wait for her hand to connect with my face, but instead, a tiny giggle escapes her lips, followed by a tentative smile.
I smile back at her. “There’s that beautiful smile.” Alana blushes, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Ezra, I don’t want to be a bother.” She sighs.
“You aren’t a bother. Please, let me book you in somewhere. If the situation was different, you could have come and stayed at mine.” I have plenty of room, but it isn’t possible, not while I’m still with Bella.
“Okay, but there are a couple of conditions. First: nowhere too expensive. And second: only for a couple of days until I work something else out,” Alana states firmly.
I nod in response. At least this way I won’t be lying to her with my words. I plan on finding somewhere nice for her, and I will pay for a week in advance and then take it from there.
“Let’s get out of here. I can treat you to breakfast and make a couple of calls,” I suggest. She probably hasn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday.
“I would like that,” she says with a soft smile.
She quickly gathers her bag. Once she’s happy she has everything, I offer her my hand, which she takes without hesitation, and we head out. Alana checks out of the motel. I rush us to my car and drive off, desperate to put a distance between us and the motel.
“What do you fancy for breakfast?” I rest my hand on her knee.
“Pancakes with banana and maple syrup,” she replies. She must have been thinking about it before I even got to ask the question judging by how quickly she answers.
“I think I will have that too.” It sounds rather tasty.
“There is a small café not too far from here that does the best pancakes,” Alana gushes. I ask her for the details and head there.
* * *
I’ve left Alana to eat her second helping of pancakes while I go outside to make my call. I scroll through my contacts and find the number for the Thistle Hotel. I’ve stayed there a few times in the past and booked in there to escape from everyone more than once. The staff know me and are good with being discreet.
I hit the call button, and it only rings twice before they answer.
“Hello. It’s Ezra Barclay. I am wondering if the penthouse is available for at least the next week?”
“Good morning, sir. Yes, it is available. Would you like us to reserve it for you?”
“Yes, please. I need to book under a different name because it is for a friend, and I’d appreciate your discretion. I don’t want anyone finding out and getting the wrong idea. Could you do that for me?”
“Of course, sir. When will you arrive? Would you like anything in the suite for your arrival?”
“We will be there in an hour. Can you please put some chocolates and wine in the room?”
The receptionist efficiently gets all the details he needs from me, and we end the call. I am not sharing with Alana where she will be staying until we get there because if she knows beforehand, she won’t come with me. Once I make sure she is settled in the penthouse I will head out to pick up some things she will need, because the only clothes she has are the work ones she’s currently wearing.