He looks over at me, and I know exactly what he is thinking. He’s wondering why someone dressed in expensive clothes and driving an expensive car would be seeing someone who lives here. It is an unfair judgement, but I understand it.

“I am sorry, but all floors are inaccessible. The fire started on the second floor. Can I ask why your girlfriend hasn’t told you all of this?” He eyes me suspiciously.

I don’t care for his question or tone, so simply ask, “It started on floor two? Is everyone okay? Please tell me no one was hurt or worse.” I need to know if Alana is okay.

“No one was hurt, thankfully,” he replies. I relax knowing Alana wasn’t hurt, well, not physically, but I don’t even want to imagine how she is feeling mentally.

“Do you have any idea where the tenants who stay in those apartments have been moved to?” I need to see her.

“Can’t you call her and find out?” I seriously don’t appreciate all these damn questions, especially when all I want to know is if she’s safe.

“I am just back from a business trip, and my battery is dead. I came here to surprise her. Now, can you please answer?” He is getting on my last nerve.

He asks me for her details before excusing himself to go and see what he can find out. I stand there tapping my foot on the ground, my impatience getting the better of me. He comes back five minutes later.

“Your girlfriend didn’t accept one of the vouchers. She said she would find a place to stay on her own,” he tells me. Why the hell would she do that? And why hasn’t she called me?

“Thank you.” I sigh, rushing back to my car.

I grab my phone to call her, but there is no answer. I try another two times, and there is still no answer. No, she is not going to ignore me, not after everything she has been through. I open a text to her.

Alana! This is not the time to ignore me. I stopped by your place and saw what happened. Please answer my call so I know you are okay x

I stare anxiously at my screen, and with a sense of relief it shows she’s read it. A moment later she is calling me. I answer quickly. “Alana! Where are you? Are you okay?” I fire the questions at her before she even has a chance to say a word.

“Where I am doesn’t matter, Ezra. And I am okay, not great, but I will survive. I always do.” She sounds broken, as if she has been crying.

“Alana, tell me, or I swear I will get someone to track your damn phone and come find you,” I reply firmly.

“What does it matter where I am? I am not your problem, Ezra.” She lets out a world-weary sigh.

“Alana, I need to see you. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone. I am serious. I will find out where you are one way or another.” I don’t mean to sound like a possessive asshole, but if I need to do it, I will.

“Fine! I will text you my location.” She groans in frustration before hanging up.

I wait for the text, and it comes through with the name of the place where she is. I have no clue where it is, so I put it into my GPS for directions. It seems to be in a bad part of town, one that is known for sex workers, drug dealers, gangs, and everything else you can think of. She shouldn’t be somewhere like that, not alone.

I speed off, it’s only ten minutes from where I am, but it’s like a completely different world, and not in a good way. I arrive at my destination, and see the place is a dump. The building is dirty and falling apart. There are dodgy looking people around, and I can see some of them are carrying guns.

I need to get us away from here. I find her room, and a lot of attention falls on me from the people who are hanging around, but I ignore them and rattle on Alana’s door. I see the curtain move and Alana’s face peeks out to see who it is.

A moment later I hear her unlock the door and she opens it. I step inside and close it behind me. I don’t give her a chance to speak, instead I instantly fire off, “Are you okay? Are you hurt? You should have called me. And why the hell did you choose somewhere like this to stay?”

“Where else did you expect me to stay?” she snaps.

“Somewhere better, or at least safer than here. What were you thinking?” I toss my hands in the air.

“What was I thinking? Are you fucking serious right now? I don’t have millions in the banks, Ezra, or billions, whatever. I don’t have a mommy and daddy to run to when times get tough. I am alone with nothing and no one behind me giving me support, so don’t you dare stand there and judge me when you have no fucking idea. My apartment is probably destroyed! My things are gone! I don’t have a home, or any personal items, so I am sorry I am broke and couldn’t book into the damn Thistles,” she hisses, her face is red and tears fill her eyes.

I really should have thought before I spoke because right now, I feel terrible. She is right, I have two parents I can go to if I need help with anything, they have gotten me out of trouble more than once, especially when I was a teenager, and even now I am a grown-assed man, I know they’d do anything for me.

“Alana, I’m sorry. I wasn’t judging you. I promise.” I sigh.

“Bullshit! Yes! You were!” She shakes her head, her brown hair flying around.

“I swear. I wasn’t. I would never.” I know first-hand what it is like to struggle and have nothing.

“Why are you even here, Ezra? I don’t want or need you here. I don’t need anyone.” She whimpers. The sound makes me reach for her, and she tries to fight me, but I don’t give in. I finally manage to bring her to my chest and hug her tightly to it. After a moment she stills, her face is buried in my tee, and she breaks down. I hug her tighter, stroking her hair while she cries.