Ezra laughs loudly. “Vamps?”
“Yes. Because no normal person leaves that many marks on someone’s body in one blooming night.”
“You are one to talk. You have scratched the hell out of my back.” He chuckles and the sound of it sends a shiver through me.
Oh shit! I never realized. “Sorry.” I sigh. I didn’t mean to. How is he going to hide it from Bella? I was having way too much pleasure at the time to realise I was doing it.
“Why are you sorry?” he questions.
“What if your girlfriend sees it, Ezra?” I shake my head, the feeling of guilt in the pit of my stomach hits again.
“She won’t. It is easy enough to hide them, plus we don’t exactly have sex frequently.” He shrugs.
If I was in his position I would be freaking out, but he doesn’t seem concerned by it. I decide not to discuss the matter further because it is none of my business. I take a sip from my smoothie.
“I am sorry I had to rush off last night and acted like an asshole,” he whispers.
“Don’t be. Your girlfriend needed you, and I am just some woman you fucked,” I reply, shrugging it off.
“Alana, don’t you ever think of yourself as just some woman. You are better than that!”
“Ezra, in this situation I am.”
He goes to protest, but I am not in the mood to argue. “Leave it, okay?” I beg.
“Fine, but I stand by what I said.” He huffs.
I hold back a chuckle at his reaction. “What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” At this point changing the subject is a good idea.
“Nothing, hanging out with you?”
“Ezra, I thought our meeting was to say goodbye properly?” The less time I spend around him, the better.
“And it is, but I would like to at least hang out for a couple of hours. I promise no funny business. I need a breather from everything, and now, right here with you seems like the perfect place to do so.” He smiles, and I notice every time he does it makes him appear younger.
A couple of hours can’t do any harm. “I am sure I can give you a couple of hours, though I will need to grab food because all I have had is yogurt,” I reply.
“I saw a hot dog cart on the way here. I could nip back and get us one if you like?” he suggests.
“You eat hotdogs?” I don’t mean to sound surprised but I am.
“Yes. What do you think I would eat? Caviar for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” he mocks me.
“Don’t be a smartass.” I giggle.
“Do you want one or not?” He chuckles.
“Yes, please, with onions and ketchup.”
He nods, jumping to his feet he tells me he will be back in a minute. It is safer if he goes alone in case anyone sees us. I finish off my smoothie, watching after him and admiring his ass. It is a good ass. I snap my eyes away from it before my mind goes to where it shouldn’t. I put my attention to my phone, scrolling through it until he comes back.
I see him returning ten minutes later with four hotdogs in his hands. “I got you two,” he says with a smile.
“Two? What do you take me for?” I snicker.
“I am sure you will manage them.” He chuckles as he hands mine over.
When he asked to meet so we could have a proper goodbye, I didn’t think it would be like this. If the circumstances were different this could pass for a date.