“I am out for coffee at the moment if you want to join me?” I suggest.

“A little too public, don’t you think?” She has a point.

“True,” I agree.

“Give me a little while to find somewhere and I will call you back,” she replies before she hangs up. A goodbye would have been nice.

I brush it off and sip on my coffee, waiting patiently to hear from her. I’d rather meet in private and see how long she can resist me, but I don’t believe that is going to happen, not today anyway. There is plenty of time for me to convince her to be alone again with me in future. I am already craving her, her lips, her body, and that sweet pussy wrapped around me, and I bet she feels it too, even if she won’t admit it. The sexual chemistry between us is undeniable and hopefully it will work in my favour. One step at a time.

No!It isn’t like it’s a hard word to say, not usually, yet I can’t seem to be able to say it to Ezra. I should have told him to fuck off and hung up on him, but typical me, going out of my way to make life harder for myself than I need to. I’m torn with indecision. On one hand last night was incredible, I can’t deny that, but on the other hand, I have never felt so damn guilty in my life. I feel like a home wrecking hoe. Even if Ezra’s relationship with Bella was shit, it still didn’t give me the right to fuck him. I can’t change what I did—what we did—but Ineedto make sure it doesn’t happen again.

I sigh, pulling my ass out of bed. My legs are still weak, a delicious after-effect from last night. I’ve no idea where would be a safe place for us to meet, but I can think on it while I shower and then have breakfast. I drag myself to the bathroom, stripping out of my nightie. I catch a glance in the mirror and notice the marks Ezra left on my body, ones I didn’t see last night. I have hickeys all over my breasts and neck! What the hell does he think he is, a damn vampire? There is no need for so many. How am I going to hide them all? I have no clue. I run my eyes down the rest of my body, and spot more on my thighs, plus bite marks, and bruises in the shape of his fingerprints. Christ, the man is an animal, and it turns me on whether it is right or wrong.

I give myself a shake. Switching the shower on I wait for it to heat up because it takes forever since it is a piece of crap. It doesn’t stay warm long, so I always have to make it quick. I have reported it to my landlord more than once, yet he has done nothing to fix it. No surprise there. The man is a jackass and creepy. I try to avoid him at any cost.

I step into the warm water and it relaxes my muscles. I quickly wash myself and my hair. I don’t even manage to rinse the conditioner out before the stupid thing goes cold. By the time I come out, I am shivering. I wrap my fluffy towel around me, quickly trying to put some heat back into my body. I briskly walk to my bedroom, wondering what to wear. I wish it didn’t look so warm outside, or I would be in jeans and a hoodie, but I’d pass out with the heat exhaustion if I do. At least I’d be covered, and so would the hickeys. I just need to deal with them, I guess. I can picture Ezra’s sly face in my head already when he admires the art he left on my skin. I groan in frustration. Today isn’t my day.

Rummaging through my closet I bring out a pair of shorts and a tee that won’t show my cleavage, but my neck will be in plain sight. I slip my clothes on, putting my hair into a high ponytail and a little lip gloss. That will do. I refuse to make too much of an effort in case he assumes it is for him.

I need coffee if I want to get my thinking head on. I clean up my mess in the bedroom, head to the kitchen and start my coffee, taking a yogurt from the fridge for my breakfast. I can’t be bothered cooking. A yogurt will do for now.

While eating I think of possible places we can meet, and then somewhere comes to mind. There’s a park that’s just a ten-minute walk away from my apartment. It is massive and beautiful. And something tells me it wouldn’t be the type of place Bella, or anyone who knows Ezra would be.

I find the place on Google, screenshot it and add it to a text for Ezra.

Meet me here in one hour.

If he doesn’t know where it is he will need to use a map to find it because I am not trying to figure out another place. He replies in seconds.

Okay. You will need to give me more detail about where you will be, it is a big park x

When I decide where to sit, I will let you know.

I will choose the most secluded part I can find, maybe under a large oak tree or something, anywhere that keeps us out of view, but still in public in case he tries to be all charming and seductive! I have an hour to prepare and give a stern talking to myself. I can do this!

* * *

I got here twenty minutes earlier than planned to find a spot for us, and thankfully I found one. I’m sitting under a large oak tree at the park’s far end. I can see the main concrete path that runs around the area. I’m able to see everyone around me, but they can’t see me, which is perfect for this situation. My surroundings are beautiful. There are large oak and birch trees, and pretty multi coloured roses, bluebells, and a variety of bright, beautiful lilies everywhere. The duck pond is a short stroll away and the birds are singing happily. The sun is beaming down, but the branches shade me. I enjoy the sun, but it doesn’t appreciate me. I burn easily and can only take so much heat from it, so here in the shade I should be okay.

I text Ezra with the best directions I can, so hopefully he will find me without any issues. I rest back against the trunk, closing my eyes. I take a deep breath, centring myself to get ready to face Ezra.

“Have you fallen asleep, kitten?” his familiar voice asks, followed by his sexy chuckle.

I open my eyes and see Ezra wearing shorts and a tee. He looks sexy in his outfit, not what I am used to seeing him in. He has two smoothies in his hands. “Nope, just resting my eyes.”

“Smoothie? I have banana and pineapple, or mango and passion fruit,” he offers.

“Banana and pineapple, please, I don’t like passion fruit.” He hands me my choice, and I thank him.

Ezra takes a seat next to me, with no distance between us. His leg is touching mine, and I bite my lip to stop myself from doing something stupid or pathetic like moaning at the closeness between us.

“Nice spot,” he states, staring at me. The intensity of his gaze causes butterflies in my stomach, and I’m sure the heat in my cheeks is from a blush. It’s amazing how he affects me.

“I thought so,” I reply. I watch his eyes dart from my face down to my neck, and the familiar smirk rises on his lips. “Don’t even say it!” I warn.

“Say what?” Cocky bastard trying to sound innocent.

“You know what. If you mention it then I will get up and leave. Do I make myself clear, vamps?” I am trying to be serious but snicker when I call him vamps. It wasn’t on purpose.