I am sort of pissed at Bella. She spent a damn fortune today, ten grand to be exact. How can someone spend that amount of money in six hours? If she had called to ask or tell me, I wouldn’t have been as annoyed. I didn’t bring it up with her because I didn’t want to argue. I have no intentions of having an early night, but I would rather she didn’t stay here with me. I generally can’t be bothered with her tonight, sober or drunk. I am sure it is probably my money buying the drinks.

I clean up the mess left behind from dinner, taking the dishes and trash through to the kitchen so I can hand wash them and throw the trash out. Even though I have a dishwasher I enjoy washing my dishes by hand. I have never completely understood why, but there is a chance it stems from my childhood because nothing was ever clean or maybe it’s the warm water. If I do them myself then I know they are done properly. My staff are great, and I am sure they would do a great job if I let them, but I feel a sense of accomplishment doing it myself.

Once I am done, I decide to call Alana. For all I know she could be working right now. I feel like punching myself in the face for not going over when she invited me! There is a good chance I blew the only opportunity she was willing to give me. The call rings out. Dammit! Two minutes after I try call her, a text comes through from her.

I am working, can’t answer unless I want to get fired x

I had a feeling she would be. Hmm, I wonder where she is working?

Where? x

I wanted to see if she would tell me, maybe I can show up and see her, something I am not sure she would appreciate.

Why do you want to know where, Mr.? x

I think she knows exactly where I am going with this, but I will play along.

Why do you think, kitten? x

So, you can stalk me again by any chance? Lol x

I am not a stalker! Not usually, anyway, but I seem to have stalker tendencies when it comes to Alana. I am not used to being thwarted.

Not stalk, but to see you. There is a difference. So, are you going to tell me, or do I need to find out another way? x

I could make a couple of calls and easily find out where she is working.

And the point of coming would be what? I am working, and we can’t be seen together in public, so please explain to me the purpose of you STALKING me, Mr. Barclay?

So I can admire the view from afar, and after you finish I can steal you away x

I have no reason to rush home. I may as well find a better use for my free time.

Ezra, I don’t know if it is such a good idea. You will distract me x

I will stay out of your way X

I wait patiently, and to my surprise she texts me the details of where she is. I smirk, telling her I will be there soon. I make a dash to my bedroom to change out of joggers and into jeans and a tee. The place she is working at isn’t really fancy, more casual, so I don’t need to dress up too much. I can drive there, but if I have a drink, I will get a taxi back home or to Alana’s place. I would prefer the second option.

I need to be careful and make sure no one sees me. The last thing I need is my parents or Bella finding out I was there. People in our society don’t mingle with people of lower class, especially in places like the bar where I am heading to.

I’ve beena little anxious since Ezra said he’s going to come by. I regret telling him where I am because I know for certain when he arrives, I will be distracted by him. I have been keeping my eyes on the door while I work.

“Alana, are you okay? You seem somewhat distracted,” Lucy asks, appearing by my side.

“I’m fine, just tired.” I smile. I can’t tell her the real reason because she will want details, and I don’t want to explain anything about the man who is pursing me, or how he is another woman’s man. I am already judging myself, and would rather not have other people doing it also.

Suddenly I shudder. I feel a pair of eyes on me, and I know who they belong to without checking. Swallowing hard, I turn around, and there he is. He stands by the door, confidence and sexual appeal just oozing from him. He’s dressed casually in jeans and a tee. He looks good enough to eat. I notice a lot of attention is on him, women drooling and men glaring at him, wondering who the hell the man stealing all the females’ attention is. I can see from a distance a smirk growing on his lips. I bet it’s because he knows I am watching him or he knows he has my attention.

He strolls towards me, seeming to ignore the attention. What is he doing? He can’t approach me!

“I never saw him as the type to come to a place like this. I wonder what he’s doing here?” Lucy whispers while stacking her tray with empty glasses. Obviously she recognizes him.

“Maybe he is lost or something.” I shrug, turning my attention to redistributing the food on the platters next to her.

The closer he gets, the more nervous I become, and I feel heat rise on my skin. He walks right by us, smiling politely, and brushes his hand over my ass, thankfully without Lucy noticing. I have to bite my lip to stop from reacting to his touch, only I think I bit it too hard and it might be bleeding.

“We should get back to work,” I suggest, pulling myself together, and we head our separate ways. I try my best not to search for Ezra, but I deceive myself. I spot him at the bar, having a drink, but he isn’t facing the bar, he is facing me, watching my every move. I shake my head, diverting my eyes away from him I try to concentrate on the reason why I am here.