“Alana, can you at least look at me?” The tone in his voice is stern and firm enough to arouse me. Him being bossy and demanding of me is such a turn on. I cross my legs, hoping to calm the throbbing between my thighs.

I turn to face him. “Why do you need me to look at you?” It is looking at him that got me in trouble in the first place.

He places his finger on my chin, tilting my head back. “Because it is rude not to make eye contact when in company.” I roll my eyes. He sounds like my ninth-grade teacher lecturing me. “Don’t roll your eyes at me either, Miss Alana,” he warns.

“You realise I am a twenty-three-year-old woman, right? I don’t need to be told what to do?”

Ezra chuckles. “Oh, you still have a lot to learn in life. You are still a pup.”

A pup? What the heck does that mean? Is he comparing me to a dog? I love dogs, but I find it insulting he is calling me one. “Excuse me? Are you calling me a dog?”

Ezra seems amused by my question. “No! When I say that I mean you are still young compared to me. You have a lot to learn and many years to grow.” Compared to him. What age is he? This is probably information I should have found out before now.

“How old are you?” I ask curiously.

“Thirty-nine.” Sixteen years older. I am surprised by his age. He doesn’t look it, and sometimes his behaviour doesn’t match it. There must be a story there. I don’t tend to be attracted to men with such a huge age gap between us. The oldest guy I have been with was twenty-eight.

“Quite a large age gap, uh?” I tease.

“Are you calling me old?” He pouts. I don’t answer, instead I smile sweetly at him, taking a sip of my wine, while trying not to laugh.

He prods my side. “Answer me, kitten.” A small giggle escapes from my lips because I am very ticklish.

Turning to face him I say, “Well…”

He huffs before saying, “Hey! Mean! I am not old. I prefer to refer to myself as experienced. Have you ever had sex with a man my age?” he asks with a hint of a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

I shake my head. “You would notice the difference, trust me! Boys your age are no good. Half of them still don’t know where a damn clit is!” His voice sounds disgusted with them.

“Some of them do!” I defend.

Ezra chuckles loudly. “Bullshit! Fuck a real man, and then get back to me. You will soon realise you are wrong, and guys in their early twenties don’t know how to pleasure a woman properly,” he says confidently.

“Sure. I will go find an older, handsome,singleman to test out the theory and share my findings with you.” I emphasize single on purpose and watch closely for his reaction.

His jaw clenches, his grip on the cup tightens, and a look of frustration takes over his face. “Not funny, Alana,” he groans.

“Funny? I wasn’t trying to be funny. You are the one who suggested it, not me! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are jealous.” I attempt to hide my smugness. I know I am right.

“Jealous? And my reason for it would be?”

“Because another man can have what you can’t.” Damn! I am on fire right now. I am enjoying getting under his skin, maybe a little too much.

Ezra busts out laughing. It’s loud enough to echo through my entire apartment. I give him a what the fuck look. Why is he laughing so hard?

“Is that what you believe? I can’t have you. You are wrongly mistaken, bright eyes. I could have you naked and on your knees for me in a matter of minutes if I didn’t promise to behave.” He sounds so confident in himself.

His choice of words is enough to make my panties wet. I believe his words to be true. If I let my guard down, I swear he could get me to do anything he wants, whether it’s getting me on my knees or tying me up to have his way with me—information that will stay in my head. I want to speak, but I have become speechless, worried that the wrong words will come out if I say anything.

I can feel his blue eyes burn into me. I see his hand coming towards me out of the corner of my eye, before he places it on the top of my thigh. I gasp.

“Lost for words?” He moves his fingers in circles on my leg.

“This-this-isn’t you behaving, Ezra.” I finally make eye contact with him.

“Do not put all the blame on me, sweetness. You are the one trying to get under my skin, so don’t try to play innocent.” He squeezes my thigh, and a deep, throaty moan escapes from my lips.

I need to take back control of this situation before I forget my morals and do something stupid like crawl onto his lap and test how long it takes for me to harden his cock, which wouldn’t be long I am sure, and take a ride on it.