We pull into the parking lot, dust picking up in our wake, and park near the white panel van we’re taking on the route.
I hop out of the car we borrowed from one of our trusted runners, Axel, and assess our surroundings. I reach into my waist holster, pull out my gun, and verify that it's loaded. After sliding one into the chamber, I assess the rest of my weapons. Another pistol on my ankle, another in the waistband of my jeans. Various knives secured around my body.
Dominic does the same, checking each of his weapons and climbing into the driver’s seat of the van. “You ready?” he asks me.
“Yeah. Are you?”
“Let’s fucking do this.”
He turns the key, starting the engine and securing whatever fate has in store for us.
I ignore the thoughts that run through my head, the regrets I have for all the lost years with June. They fester and try to force their way in but if I want to make it back to her, I cannot afford to allow the distraction. I have to be sharp, vigilant, and focused on the task at hand.
We aren't on the road for more than five minutes before I spot a vehicle tailing us. This plan is almost too fucking easy, too fucking quick.
“We’ve got one on our six.”
“I’ve got eyes on him,” Dominic confirms. “Any others?”
“Just the SUV for now. Keep with the route.”
Dom maintains the speed limit while following the path we spread word of that this envoy would be taking. It’s clear we have a mole within our organization, we just aren’t sure who.
“You think they’ll take us on sixth?” Dom asks me.
“Yeah, that’s where I’d do it. Minimal witnesses, no traffic cams.” I continue to scan our surroundings, noting the distance the vehicle maintains behind us.
The small car signals, gets into the other lane, and speeds up. Was I wrong? Was this a random car on this random street going about its random business?
But when they pass us, my doubts are erased by the barrel of a rifle that is pointed our way.
“Dom, get down,” I scream, throwing myself over him and reaching for my own weapon. I shoot it out Dom’s window, nicking the passenger of the car but not before he fires a few rounds our way.
Dom swerves the van, almost side-swiping a parked car, and pushes on the accelerator. "Fucking bastards," he spits out. "Are you hit?"
“No,” I steady my breath. “Are you?”
The car that attacked us veers and hits us in our back corner.
“They’re trying to pit maneuver us, Dom. Don’t let them.” I steady my aim behind him, waiting for the bastards to get back up in my line of sight again.
“Give me the AK.”
Our plan was to save the heavy artillery until we needed it, but there’s no time like the fucking present.
I reach under the seat, pull out the weapon, and shove it across to Dom.
“Take the wheel,” he tells me.
I comply, doing my best to steer from the passenger seat.
Dom releases his pressure on the throttle and we slog back, the car trying to hit us coming into view. He aims the AK straight at them, blasting at least a dozen rounds into the car.
Shots fire back and I swerve to avoid them from hitting Dominic.
“Gas, Dom!”
He pushes while continuing to shoot, and I yank the steering wheel to turn us down a side street where there will be fewer civilian casualties.