Page 108 of Villain Era

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Coen calls out after her.

But June throws up her middle finger. “Out.”

I rush behind her and nearly fall down the stairs to catch up.

“Love,” Simon greets her. “What’s wrong?” He latches onto her shoulders and tries to stop her. “Hey, look at me. What is it?”

“I just need some fucking space.”

Simon releases her without question. “Okay.” He flits his attention to me briefly and focuses back on her. “Let’s get some air.”

"No," she blurts out. "Not you." She turns toward me. "Not you." And points up in the direction we came. "And sure as shit not him. I need five fucking minutes to myself. I’m not asking for much. For the love of God, just leave me alone. All of you.”

My heart aches but I knew this was coming. The moment when she wouldn’t want any of us around. She’s only asking for five minutes, but how long until she wants it to be longer or more permanent?

June bursts through the garage door and slams it behind her.

I stalk toward where she disappeared but Simon cuts me off. “I think you should stay here,” he tells me.

“Get the fuck out of my way, Beckett,” I mutter only inches from his face.

“She’s pissed at you guys, not me. I’m not the one who keeps lying to her. It’s better if I go.”

I hate that he’s right, but he fucking is. June might have said she wasn’t mad at me but that doesn’t mean it’s true. I’m just as guilty as Hayes and Dominic are for keeping June in the dark and harboring all these secrets and distance. Simon has been there for her the whole time and has done nothing but mend the wound that we keep ripping open. As much as I want to be the one to comfort her, it’s possible I might only make things worse.

“Fucking go,” I tell him. “Hurry up before she gets too far.”



Dominic lied to me. More so than he normally does. He took advantage of how much I wanted alone time with him and manipulated me into thinking he actually wanted to get away with me.

He fucked me. Over and over and over again. And what finally put the nail in the proverbial casket was when I realized all that fucking was to distract me from his ulterior motive. Leave it to him to have one. He’s conniving, scheming, and infuriates the ever-loving shit out of me.

I rush through the opening of the entry gate before it closes and slip out onto the sidewalk. The night air is cool and warm all at once, but littered with pollution from the city. It's much different than in Washington, that's for sure.

I huff and stomp my feet down the empty sidewalk and try to shake off the entire experience. I can't believe I fell for Dom's charade. I ate up every minute of it and thought he cared. That he missed our time together and wanted some of it to tide him over until whatever made-up fucking deadline he created.

Was the whole making me wait another week even real or another one of his elaborate lies to prevent me from begging him for the truth?

Has any of this been real? Or was I just a game to him? A quest that he conquered and no longer is bothered with?

"Love, wait up," Simon calls out to me from the shadows.

I startle at the sound of his voice—I was so lost in my own fucking head I didn’t hear him running to catch up to me.

“Leave me alone, Simon, please.” I continue down the dim street.

"Sorry, love. No can do." He joins me at my side. "You can be pissed. I'm not telling you otherwise, but you'll have to do it with me."

“I can’t fucking think with you around!” I yell at him. “You’re all…” I point at him. “You.” I push forward. “It’s fucking distracting.”

“Um, well. Sorry?” Simon strolls beside me, his steps slow compared to my choppy, short ones. It’s almost like his pace is insulting mine because of how much shorter my legs are than his.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Then let’s not talk about it.”