“Y’all are the best,” Jackie says, her lip trembling.
The guys bump elbows.
Just then we hear car doors slam and voices.
“Probably Ian and his mystery date,” Nash says.
“He’s bringing a date?” I ask. “You didn’t tell me that!”
“Of course I didn’t. Because then you would have asked me a thousand questions I didn’t know the answer to, and I just wanted to get you naked.”
“Nash!” Jackie holds up a hand. “We’ve talked about this, I do not want to hear you dirty talk to my sister. So cut that out right now.”
“Baby doll, he just said the word ‘naked,’ don’t be so sensitive.”
I can hear footsteps approaching. Which means Ian and his mystery date are going to be here any second. And the last thing Ian needs is for his date to walk into this shit show of a conversation. He has had enough trouble in the past few months without us scaring her off.
“I’m pregnant!” I say spontaneously since I know that will shut down the other conversation. I hold up two fingers. “With twins.”
Luca smacks Nash in the gut. “Over-achiever.”
Nash, just laughs, looking so proud he could bust.
And the look he gives me, which is hot and possessive and just about makes my swimsuit burst into flames … oh, boy, that look is everything. He is everything. Everything I ever wanted for Christmas and for always.
thank you for reading!
I hope you loved Nash and Roni’s story. Please considerleaving me a review. If you haven’t already read Jackie and Luca’s story, you can find it inSnowed in With the Grump.
If you missed Amber’s book, keep scrolling to read an excerpt fromLone Star Boss.
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If you liked this Christmas romance,
you’ll love my other festive titles!
Marry Christmas
Gingerbread Kisses
On His Naughty List
Bachelor #10
Mistletoe Surprise
Joy & Payne
Hollywood Humbug
See ALL of my books.
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