Page 4 of Zander

Inhaling cool night air as the temperature began to plummet, I fixed him with a pompous stare, the best I could muster at short notice, and met his raised eyebrow head on. “I solemnly swear that I have no family to distract me from my job, Mister Klauss. But I do have one extra duty and I need to get to that...” I checked my watch and mentally kicked myself for letting the day disappear on me on a lark. “Now. Well, past now. If there’s work I need to do later, please send it to me and I’ll get it done tonight. After.”

“After what?” He stared at me curiously. “What does overly cheerful and too-enthusiastic Juniper Blackthorne do in her spare time?”

I sighed. Well, I said I wanted that laugh. It was happening sooner than later, but a laugh was a laugh. I just hadn’t intended to earn his mocking smile and brutal sarcasm that he was already infamous for quite so early in the week.

“I help feed the homeless on...well, every night I can. Four or five nights a week. That’s my roster. And I do the accounts during the day for the charity. I can cook a mean stew out of little and serve even better.” I straightened my elf hat. Zander Klauss might be an ass of the highest reindeer order, but that didn’t mean there was no reason why I couldn't throw that back his way. “And this year, I'm doing it in costume.”

I waited on his snort, something like a laugh, or a snide comment, but it didn't come. Gritting my teeth, I peeked up at him, the too skinny Santa by far though the kids—and half the parents—hadn’t minded at all.

Zander said nothing.

“Well go on, laugh at me.”

“Why would I laugh at you?” His features twisted. “I might be an asshole, but I'm not a monster, Juniper. No green skin and whiskers or ghosts of Christmas past come to haunt me. No, I’m not going to laugh at you.” His tone eased. “But I am going to come with you.”

“You’re what?” My head, already held high in stoic fashion, tipped back. “You can’t be serious. That’s a bad idea.”

“It’s a fine idea.”

“It’s aterribleidea.” I narrowed my gaze and pursed my lips. “Why?”

He smiled then, a real, honest to God, proper smile. But this one wasn’t reserved for kids, and should never,everbe paired with a Santa costume. Because the truth about Zander Klauss was that, red fluffy suit or not, when the man smiled, he became a god.

Simple as that. His smile was blinding and beautiful and sinful.

“No.” I held my hands up, backing away from him as the street lamps flickered above us.

Zander Klauss in a soup kitchen on Christmas week? That was such a bad idea and I was in so much trouble.




Zander Klausscould serve soup like nobody’s business. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as I selected the soup pot, adding in the last of the meat and vegetables for the night’s cook. We had a big turnout, which was typical, closer to holidays and on colder nights.