The garage is in sight and I know they have security that patrols it. I just need to make it there and Robert will peel off and go on his way. He can play the big man in private with me, but when there are big, strong guys around, he turns practically invisible.

“Come on, Emily,” he whines. “Let's fix this. You know you love me the same way I love you. We're meant to be together, baby.”

I push myself forward, quickening my pace even more. Robert keeps up with me, yammering in my ear about our fate and destiny. His voice grows more insistent. Demanding. Frightening. The garage is just ahead. I practically sprint to it.

Rounding the corner, I walk quickly down the ramp and toward the guard booth. Predictably – and thankfully – Robert doesn't follow me down into the garage. As I walk past the booth, the man on duty gives me a curious look.

“Everything okay, Miss?”

I nod. “Yeah, fine,” I say. “Thank you.”

He nods and looks back toward the ramp. Robert is standing there staring at me for a moment, then turns and moves on. I breathe a quick sigh of relief and rush over to my car, slipping inside and closing the door behind me. I hit the locks and sit there for a minute with my hands on the wheel, giving my heart a chance to slow down.

It takes a few minutes, but I finally feel sufficiently composed to start the car and pull out of the garage. Seeing Robert never fails to throw me off balance. I know I’ll spend the rest of the day looking over my shoulder and jumping at shadows.

I absolutely hate him. But I hate the fact that I fear him, and that he still retains that sliver of power and control over me, even more.

Chapter Six


“I've narrowed the list down to six I think would be suitable.”

Lara hands me the tablet with the information on the prospective assistants screened for me. She's fantastic at what she does, and I trust her judgment in most everything, so I know that the six she's identified as good fits will be outstanding candidates.

Loyalty is something I admire in people, and Lara has definitely demonstrated to me just how loyal she is. The fact that she came back to work for me again after she finished school – it says a lot about her. She's a very intelligent woman, and I know she had far more opportunities out there she could have taken. Hell, being as gorgeous as she is, I have no doubt that she could be making a living as a model.

We tried to date for a little while, but it didn't quite work out. It was a little tense and awkward for a bit afterwards, but she rose above it and focused on doing her job well. And she did. Honestly, she taught me a little something in the wake of that failed relationship as well.

Even with all of the personal baggage between us, the fact that she's choosing to be here, to work hard, and not be satisfied getting by on her looks, shows me a hell of a lot about her character and integrity. The woman also pulls no punches and has no trouble putting me in my place when I step out of line. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for Lara Reynolds.

I lean back in my seat and give her a smile. “And who is your favorite?”

“You know I don't play favorites,” she says. “This is about the best fit in a professional environment, and who you think will do the best job for you.”

“Bullshit,” I chuckle. “We all have favorites.”

She tries to remain impassive, but the small grin tugging at the corners of her mouth betrays her. It's clear that she has a favored applicant.

“So? Who is it?” I press.

“If you want my honest, professional opinion –”

“Don't I always?”

“Not always,” she muses. “There was that one deal with Thomas Ag –”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I can't help but laugh. “Let's not rehash that one again. I should have listened to you.”

“Yes, you should have,” she laughs with me.

“I'm never going to live that one down, am I?”

“Not as long as I draw breath.”

We share another laugh. I genuinely enjoy her company, and there's an ease between us that makes things comfortable. Maybe it's because we tried and failed to date one another – it's pretty much killed any of the sexual tension that might otherwise exist between us. Free from that, knowing we get along better without the specter of sex and romance hanging in the air between us, has maybe allowed us to focus on just being real with each other.

Whatever it is, I enjoy it. Truthfully, I don't have a lot of friends in this world. I just don't open up and trust people all that easily or often. Lara is one of the few.