The driver cracks a smile and shakes his head. This is obviously not what he had on his agenda for the night. At least he's being a good sport about it all the same.

Aaron offers me his arm, so I take it. And together – with Luke trailing just behind us – we stagger into the Wedding ChapelEnterprise. As we step through the door and into the lobby, we're treated to the theme song of Star Trek. There are pictures of famous scenes of the series on one wall, and photos of happy – and quite likely drunk – newlyweds on the other.

We're approached by a man wearing a shimmering robe with pointed ears and a makeup job that makes him look like Spock. It is perfect.

“Good evening,” he intones. “And are we here to celebrate a love that spans the galaxies?”

“We are. All the galaxies,” Aaron proclaims, which makes me giggle.

“That's wonderful to hear,” the pseudo-Spock says. “And, how will you be paying for this celebration of intergalactic love?”

Aaron reaches into his wallet and tosses a credit card down on the counter. The alien-man nods and reaches beneath his desk. He comes out with a couple of clipboards and hands one to each of us with a small, apologetic shrug of his shoulders.

“Very good, sir. Unfortunately, human law compels us to ask you to fill these out,” he explains. “You go ahead and do that while I prepare the ceremony. Will you require the earthly circular tokens of your affection?”

Aaron and I share a look, confusion passing between us. It's Luke, though, who leans forward and supplies us with the answer.

“Rings, sir,” he tells Aaron. “He's asking if you need rings.”

Comprehension dawns on Aaron's face and he grins, snaps his fingers, and points at the alien-man. “Yes. Circular tokens of our affection. Two of them. Please,” he grins. “Good lookin' out, Luke.”

Luke nods and steps back as Aaron and I plant ourselves on a bench and start filling out our forms. We giggle like kids as we fill them out like it's the greatest joke ever. Well, I said I wanted to do something different – I guess this is different.

Spock comes back into the lobby and returns Aaron's credit card. He takes our clipboards, makes sure everything is filled out and gives us both an otherworldly smile.

“The High Priest Aradar from planet Kaminar will see you now,” he says.

“Oh good. I'm glad it's the High Priest from Zarug,” Aaron cracks. “I was afraid we were going to get stuck with Father Flannigan from Mars. He's such a drag.”

The laughter explodes from my throat. Aaron helps me to my feet and together, we walk through the double doors and into the chapel itself. Standing on a small dais is a man in a white hooded robe and a Kelpien mask.

The lights on his robes twinkle in the dimly-lit chapel as the familiar Star Trek soundtrack plays again in lieu of the wedding march. Aaron directs my gaze to the ceiling and I see a projection of the universe over our heads. Every planet is visible, and every star sparkles like diamonds.

“This is so perfect,” I tell Aaron.

“It's more than perfect,” he beams. “Luke, your taste is impeccable.”

The driver says nothing but follows closely behind us. We stand before the alien priest and I see that he's even got costume hands that give him creepily long fingers. The music builds to a crescendo and the song finishes and is then replaced by what I guess is supposed to sound like outer space music or something. Aaron is chuckling softly and squeezes my hand, his face glowing like a kid on Christmas morning. It's then I feel the first ripple of nerves and the first reservations about what we're doing float through my mind.

Aaron leans over and places a gentle kiss on my cheek as the alien wedding officiant begins the ceremony, quickly driving out any of the doubts that started to creep into my mind. Well, that and the fact that I'm still more than a bit buzzed. I'm not a big drinker to start with, but the amount of alcohol we consumed tonight was off the charts for me. I'm completely unable to hold onto one train of thought for very long, anyway.

I honestly don't hear most of the officiant's words. I'm alternating between various states of mind and I'm distracted by the sound of the music. It's just so fucking weird. More than anything though, I'm too caught up in the sight of Aaron to concentrate on anything for too long. He's looking back at me with a look of pure rapture on his face, as if this is the only thing he's ever wanted in his life and it sets my heart ablaze.

This – what we're doing – is crazy. Absolutely insane. And there's a small voice whispering in the back of my mind telling me I need to slam on the brakes of this runaway train before we derail and go spinning off the tracks. It's faint, but I hear it, nonetheless. The problem is – I don't care. I'm feeling too good and too loose to be bothered with the voice.


As if surfacing from a pool of deep water, I look around, slightly disoriented. “Yes?”

Aaron laughs and I follow his gaze, looking down at the ring he's holding. It's a cheap metal ring painted to look like gold, and there is a big shiny pseudo-diamond in the middle – it's as cheesy as this chapel but it somehow just seems fitting. It somehow just feels right.

I raise my hand and allow Aaron to slip the ring on my finger and then I follow suit, repeating the words of the officiant as I do. With that task done, Aaron and I turn to the alien High Priest, smiles on our faces.

“Then by the intergalactic power invested in me by the aura of the planet of Kaminar I now pronounce you husband and wife,” he intones. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Laughing, Aaron and I kiss each other as David Bowie'sSpace Odditybegins to play. We're escorted by the pseudo-alien man who'd greeted us to a small anteroom where champagne and chocolate covered strawberries are being served.

Aaron and I toast, clinking our champagne flutes together and then feed each other strawberries. The alien greeter comes in and has us sign something – truthfully, I don't even bother looking – has Luke sign it, then disappears through a door to let us finish our post-wedding celebration. I look at Aaron and feel the fire inside of me burning. He is easily the sexiest man I've ever seen and the kindest man I’ve ever known. I can't seem to get enough of him.