Page 4 of First Match

Allison wrapped her body around Peter’s strong torso, and planted a couple of kisses on his neck and cheek. He smelled good, as in the best man she’d ever smelled. Considering they’d been hanging outside in the summer sun at a music festival in a field, his good scent was saying something. She was sure she smelled pretty rank. Peter didn’t seem to mind.

His hands tentatively held her and caressed down her spine. She couldn’t believe he was a virgin. She didn’t know a single guy over the age of sixteen who’d admit to being a virgin.

He was so cute, and it was hard to tell under his modest clothes, but it felt as if he had a whole lot of muscles going on under the cotton collared shirt. “Kiss me,” she ordered and waited for what seemed like an eternity for him to angle his face to hers and move forward enough for their lips to meet.

Oh man, instant and total lust. This was way more sensation than she’d ever felt kissing a boy. Peter might claim to be inexperienced, but it sure felt like he knew what he was doing. She let him explore her mouth and when he seemed comfortable, she added her tongue to the action. Heat spread throughout her body and stayed tingly in all her happy parts.

He groaned and grabbed her tightly and held on, pulling her body in closer to his. A whimper escaped the back of her throat, and she undulated on his lap, mimicking the push and pull of the sex dance. Her groin met his, and she could feel his erection pushing against the fabric of her stretchy leotard shirt. Her whole outfit had been designed to inspire lust, but not act on it. If Peter’s fingers were to try to touch her where she desperately needed him, they’d have to go through two layers of fabric.

Allison pulled back. “Touch me,” she said.

He looked dazed. “I am touching you.”

“You’re touching my back. Where else do you want to touch me?”

His eyes widened and she nodded. “Yes.There. Anywhere.Everywhere.”

“But we’re in a public place.”

Oh my God. He was so sweet and shy, yet sexy. “No one’s paying attention to us. As long as we don’t get naked. And we won’t be the only ones to have sex in this field today.”

For a second she thought she had him, because he went in for a breath-stealing kiss, but then he lifted her off his lap and plopped her onto the blanket next to him. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Not like this,” he said. “I want to take my time, and I want to see you. All of you.”

Yeah, total hearts and flowers. She’d be writing song lyrics about this later. She looked around the crowded field. “Well, I don’t know where we could go.”

He stood and reached down to hoist her to her feet along with the blanket. “I have an idea.” Swinging clasped hands, he walked her toward the edge of the field where the mowed lawn gave way to shady forest. She followed Peter into the woods, stepping carefully in her rocking lace-up ankle boots that she’d worked all last summer at the mall to afford.

She stood by as he grabbed a dead tree limb from the ground and gave it a shake. “Holy crap, where did you learn to do that?” she asked, as he took the limb and her blanket and made like a Boy Scout, crafting a makeshift tent. Her mouth went dry when his shirt came off and was used as a ground cover.

“I’ve got my secrets,” he said with a small smile, but she nearly missed the smile, because she couldn’t take her eyes off Peter without his shirt. Hell yes, he had his secrets, like where he got a body that looked like something out ofPlaygirl.

“Um, Peter, are you some kind of body builder?”

He cocked his head and frowned. “A what?”

“A body builder. You know, men who work out a lot, slather themselves in oil and flex their muscles for prizes.”

“No, not a body builder.” The shy smile stretched his lips “Just a regular guy.”

“No, you’re not regular.” She brushed her palm from his wide pectoral down his defined abdominals. A sprinkling of dark curly hair covered his pectorals and a thin line ran down the center of his abdominals. “I’ve seen regular, and you’re not it.”

He lost the smile. “Iamnormal. I promise.”

“Okay, okay, you’re normal.” She smiled up at him.

His smile returned. Seconds ticked by, but neither made a move. She realized that out of the two of them, she had the experience, so she’d have to take charge. She stepped into his space to loop her arms over his shoulders. She was tall for a woman, but she still had to stand on tiptoe. He easily lifted her into his body and took over the kiss as if he’d been doing it his whole life. A sudden thought occurred to her, and she pulled back slightly. “Peter, I know I’m going to be your first, but am I your first kiss?”

He froze. “Why? Am I not doing it right?”

“You’re doing it perfectly.”

His hands clasped her cheeks. “Yes, you’re my first everything.”

And then he proceeded to rock her world with his kisses. She loved the taste of him, and couldn’t get enough of his mouth. Her lips felt as swollen as if she’d done a double singing lesson. He kept kissing her, and seemed into it, but she could feel his erection pushing against her belly.

Still he didn’t push her to go any faster and seemed content to kiss her until the concert was over and they’d be the last people in the field. It didn’t bother her. The guy knew how to kiss. Finally when her knees were giving out from trying to stand through the arousing kiss, she was ready to take it to the next stage.