He slid his hands under the hem of her dress and pulled it up, over her hips, over her belly, up to her breasts. She arched towards him as he cupped a breast, his thumb brushing over the nipple.
Was herewardingher? For answering his question?
That was… really fucking hot, actually.
“I’m going to need more detail than that.”
“You, doing taxes…”
Mordecai bared his teeth in a laugh against her skin. Her heart skipped a beat. “Liar.”
“I wanted to see what you looked like if I tore the buttons off your shirt.”
His hand seared a path down her side, fingers flaring out wide as he reached her hips. She was wearing thick woolen tights, the least sensual item in the entire wardrobe he’d bought her. Or so she’d thought until he started pulling them down, inch by inch. “And?”
“I wanted—” She broke off on a gasp as he kissed her belly. *You’re my mate.* She sent the words through the mysterious bond that connected her soul to his. *The first time I saw you, I went hot and cold with wanting you. Then I got to take you back to my apartment, and kissing you seemed like the obvious next worst thing to do on the worst evening ever.*
Her heart hiccupped. She hadn’t meant to confess that. But Mordecai continued his slow, sensual exploration of her body.
Should she look into his mind? Try to see whether she’d offended him, or— No.
She took a deep breath. *And then… you were my mate.*
His lips brushed the hem of her panties. She wriggled, trying to get closer—him to her, or herself to him, either, anything—but he put his hands on her hips and held her in place.
Desire spiked through her. Oh yes, right nowthiswas what she wanted, him taking her, overwhelming her with how much she needed him, but not letting her do anything about it until he wanted it.
*I know,*his voice purred into her mind. *But I asked you a question.*
Of all the maddening, sexy, hot assholes in the world, of course this one had to be hers.
“Yes, yes,” he whispered, oh-god-so-close to her clit but holding her so tight she couldn’t even buck against him. “Do try to concentrate.”
“You,” she gasp-moaned. “I was trying so hard not to think about you. Because it was all so much. My cat. Being a shifter. My whole future had changed, and I wasn’t as ready for it as I thought I was. But then I thought… you. Kissing you meant Ihadto be a tiny fluffy cat, but it meant Igotto have you.”
Mordecai muttered something wonderful and filthy against the crease of her thigh.
“And I needed to be human for that.”
He swore, dark and icy andhers,and buried his face between her legs.
His tongue flicked out, seeking, finding, tasting, and every nerve in her body sang out in chorus.More! More!She twisted and squirmed against his grip, and he lifted her until only her tiptoes were touching the floor.
*And now?*His voice left sparks of lightning in her mind.
She let her head drop back and moaned. *Kissing you turned out to be the best idea of my life.*
She gasped aloud as he thrust his tongue inside her. He was ravenous and gentle at the same time, a combination that left her head spinning and everything else in her tightening to a single exquisite point.
“I’m so close.” Her voice was a ragged whisper. “I’m so close, I—”
Her toes left the ground. She wrapped one leg over his shoulder and braced her other foot against the wall, scrabbling for purchase as pleasure jolted through her.
*Good?*Mordecai’s voice was a tease, the sly touch of his tongue on her again an even worse one, and she was too breathless and weak-legged to respond in kind.
She’d just come on his face. She’d just… wow. And he was still holding her, firmly and worshipfully, as though he knew if he let go she would fall into a puddle on the floor.