Page 14 of Wolf

Wolf didn’t make a move to step out of her way. She stared into his gray eyes, hoping that he wouldn’t see the hurt in her eyes at the mere idea of sleeping in the same bed where he entertained his pack of sluts.

She couldn’t say any of this to him—obviously. It would reveal too much of the turmoil she tried so hard to keep bottled up inside.

“I see you, Amara. I know that you’ve been worried sick about that calico cat they’ve brought into the clinic two nights ago. I know you feel bad for Betty for havin’ to deal with Dr. Poolittle on her own now that you’re stuck here.”

She snorted at his nickname for the main vet at the clinic. It was something they’d often joked about when they still talked every day.

How did he know about that cat? She didn’t even bother to ask. It must have been her brother telling him, or perhaps one of the prospects serving as her personal bodyguard at work blabbed about it.

The idea of Wolf still interested in the little details of her life confused her. If only he would get his head out of his ass, they would be so good together.

“I’ve missed you.”

She brought a hand to her mouth in a futile attempt to push back the words that had escaped her betraying lips.

Wolf’s eyes widened like he also couldn’t believe she’d said it. Before she could run and hide in the bathroom, he pulled her in for a bear hug.

He kissed the top of her hair. “I’ve missed you, too.”

They both froze like two caught teenagers when the door to Turtle’s room flew wide open.

Turtle’s curses echoed against the yellow stained walls of his room. “This day is just gettin’ better and better. And I still haven’t had my beer yet!”

Turtle closed the door behind him before he crossed his arms. “What’s the meaning of this?”

Realizing they were still standing with their arms around each other, they both jumped back like they’d been burned at the touch.

By grabbing the back of his neck, Wolf unintentionally lifted his black T-shirt and showcased a fine little happy trail down to his belt.

“It’s nothing, brother.”

“Nothin’ my ass. I’ll not stand for this. Annas—”

Amara picked up the bag she’d dropped on the floor earlier. “My father is dead. So is my mother. We’re not doing anything wrong, anyway.”


She interrupted Turtle, something she’d never done in her life. “We’re just friends. We’ve always been friends. You know this, Turtle.”

She couldn’t fool the oldest IVMC member, though. It was written all over his weathered face as he parted his beard for a new braid.

“I give it one night.”

“What?” Wolf said.

“Before you two wake up the entire floor by getting rid of this sexual tension. And then I’ll give it two more weeks before he breaks your heart,” Turtle said to her.

Wolf rested his hand on Amara’s shoulder. “I’ll never hurt Princess.”

Turtle directed his gaze to his VP. “You’re already hurtin’ her. You both know it, but you still seek each other out like magnets.”

Amara hated that Turtle was right. Everything he’d just said was bound to happen. And she still couldn’t walk away.

She gave Turtle a kiss on his cheek before she opened his bedroom door.

“I know you care, Turtle. Thank you for always looking out for me.”

“That’ll never change, Princess.”