Page 11 of Wolf

“What the fuck is goin’ on here?” Zeus boomed into the corridor.

“I want it known that Amara is staying with Wolf from now on,” Demon said.


Dragon, Wolf and Zeus shared the exact response to Demon’s absurd idea.

“She can’t sleep in my room. It’s my duty to keep the sweetbutts happy or they’ll nag the brothers or get in cat fights all day.”

“Don’t give a flyin’ fuck,” Demon said.

“What’s your brilliant idea behind this?” Zeus asked Demon.

“There’s this dangerous notion goin’ around the club that Amara is lookin’ for a place to stay durin’ this lockdown and she’ll share a bed with just any fuckin’ brother.”

Dragon tried to worm his way out of the hole he’d dug himself into. “That’s not what I was sayin—”

Zeus rammed his fist against Dragon’s nose before he said, “My sisters are off fuckin’ limits. It’s what my father always said; and it’s what their brothers keep sayin’ to every dick sniffin’ around our girls.”

“Sorry, Prez. Didn’t mean any disrespect.”

Zeus flexed his fist like he’d entertained the idea of doing Dragon some more harm.

“Get the fuck out of my sight. Go find the other officers, yank them out of bed for all I care. We’re havin’ Church in twenty,” Zeus said.

Zeus fisted his long black hair as he pulled it up in a ponytail. “I agree with you, D. Amara stays with Wolf.”

Wolf groaned. “Why would you do this to me? You know how I like to have my freedom.”

“That’s exactly why. You’d much rather fuck three sweetbutts a night than ever stick to one girl. And we all three know what will happen if you’d ever lay a finger on our sister.”

“D. Talk to him, man.” Wolf tried to get his other best friend on board on why this was a stupid idea, but Demon watched Wolf in his creepy, silent killer kind of way, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand out.

“I think it’s a great idea. Things will finally be quiet on our floor for once. No more orgies or shooting porn flicks at four in the mornin’.”

“Just because you two have Old Ladies now, doesn’t mean that we should turn the clubhouse into a spa retreat where the lights will go out at ten.”

“Do we need to vote on this or are you helping us out and stepping up to the plate?” Zeus asked him in a way that left no room to say no.

“I’ll fuckin’ do it.”

“Good. Walk with me, bring me up to speed before Church starts,” Zeus said.


Amara placed her bag on top of Turtle’s bed before stuffing her pajamas inside.

“I don’t understand why we can’t stick together. There must be an empty office somewhere we could sleep in. I don’t even want to be here,” Demi said.

Amara got where her sister was coming from, but she also understood that the brothers didn’t want to bunk beds with each other. Except for Zion and Crusher of course, since they were boyfriends.

“Maybe I can worm myself in between Zion and Crusher tonight,” Amara said and started to laugh.

“You’re makin’ my shit list awfully long, Princess. After Bondi, I now need to pay Zion and Crusher a visit, too?” Wolf said.

Amara instantly stopped laughing. “Why are you here?”

Wolf leaned his shoulder against the doorway and crossed his feet at his ankles as he watched her intently.