Page 60 of Demon

She shook her head with a smile before she murmured, “And people call me crazy…”

“Well, yeah. Because you are.”

She fisted the knot in her towel as she stepped up at him. “You really want me to hit your stupid face, eh?”

“I think it would do you some good, yeah.”

“I already asked for Ryleigh and Mia to come over. I always spar with Ry.”

Demon swept a few wet strands from her shoulder. “I know.”

“Oh, right.”

“I’d like to think I know everything there’s to know about you.”

His words surprised her. Since he’d always been so standoffish, she figured he didn’t have a clue what went on in her life.

“Like what?” she asked, to test him.

“Like how you go to your grandparents’ house for a weekly dinner with Devlin, Nora, Ryleigh, and Mia? I know that your brother Kieran tries to show up as often as possible, but his schedule as a firefighter gets in the way. Your younger brother Finn is a typical teenager who’d rather hang out with his friends than his grandparents.”

“Did Devlin tell you this?”

Demon’s silence made her look into his eyes. What was he hiding?

“I may have been keeping an eye out.”

“An eye out?”

Demon cleared his throat. “Well, yeah. My sisters have prospects on them at all times. I figured that—”

She pushed his chest with both hands. “You had me followed by a prospect?”

How come she didn’t know this?

“Not solely by prospects…”

“I’ve followed you all over Austin. I’ve watched you have family dinners with your grandparents, watched you sitting at home with Devlin and Kieran. I’ve even followed you to that bar last week.”

“What? What bar?”

He didn’t answer her, but continued his rant instead. “I’ve been so fucking stubborn. I’ve been following you all over town, scaring away assholes coming too damn close what’s mine.”

She bit her bottom lip in amusement. She had no idea he’d done that.

"You didn't want to be mine, remember?" she said.

"Yeah, I remember. That doesn’t mean that you weren't mine."

Such a typical arrogant biker response. Luckily, she’d been around the club since her thirteenth birthday and knew that most of these guys were all talk with, in fact, the biggest hearts.

“Didn’t you have something better to do as Enforcer?”

“Such a perfect little brat…” he said as he watched her smile.

Demon’s warm hand traced the rounding of her butt as he slipped his hand under the towel.

“Didn’t you find it typical to run into Green and Evan all over town?”