She heard Ulf’s voice drawing closer as he said, “Isn’t Silas still hung up on that chick that killed Annas? Maybe we should have snatched her first, like Snare said.”
Cat couldn’t believe they were thinking about taking Ariella again. She’d heard from Rosie that Ariella was a mess after what happened weeks ago. Naturally.
Cat would fight for her life, just like Ariella and Gwenn had done. She engulfed a rock with her fingers and picked it up from the riverbed. If she didn’t have enough strength in her fists, she needed tools to help her hit them hard.
“I need to take a leak,” Ulf said.
“Meet me back at the cabin. We’ll grab the portable floodlights your uncle uses. I can’t see shit in this dark.”
“Right. I’ll meet you there,” Ulf said.
Cat pulled her shoulders, ducking her head even lower in the water as Ulf appeared right in front of her at the waterfront. She watched him widen his stance, pulling out his dick and piss into the river merely eight feet away from her.
She was thankful that she had sat upstream from him.
Now that Man Bun walked away and back to the cabin, she decided to take a chance. If they had portable floodlights, they would easily find her hiding between the reed, and she was too slow to run further away after hiding in the cold river for too long.
Before she could second-guess her next move, she leaped from the water with the rock in hand.
Ulf didn’t see her coming at first, but opened his mouth to shout out to Man Bun when, with the last bit of power in her arms, she slammed the rock against his temple.
MMA fighting had made her mindful about the weakest part of the skull where several skull bones interconnect. She tried to catch Ulf as he fell into the lake with flailing arms as he called out for help.
Her inner strength and determination took over as she sat upon his back, her legs clinging to his sides as she fisted his greasy hair and pushed his head under water. She didn’t know what came over her, but she wanted him gone.
She needed him to be dead. She would be the last woman he’d kidnapped and threatened to rape. Even if it was the last thing she would do on this earth; at least she’d dragged one evil maniac with her to hell.
Ulf bucked underneath her and she held on to him as if she rode a mechanical bull. Ulf’s gurgles made her blood turn cold, but she pushed his head down again, denying his lungs any air.
She really hoped that Man Bun would wait on Ulf at the cabin and wouldn’t come back and find her in the midst of drowning his buddy. Not only Man Bun returning worried her, she also had no idea where Mud and Snare were.
She felt Ulf shaking underneath her, his knees trying to push himself up from the riverbed. Cat wanted to shout that he needed to let go already, but she couldn’t.
With an eerie silent calm, she killed a man that abducted her from her friends’ backyard, had threatened to rape her and would have sold her to some other sick fuck who’d probably abused her until she’d died a horrible death.
Killing Ulf was just the start.
Man Bun would probably come back and look for Ulf.
She needed Ulf to give up already, so she could get further upstream before climbing out of the river and get as far away from here as possible.
Slowly, but surely, Ulf’s movements slowed. She couldn’t trust him to be really dead. Maybe he faked it by holding still. She tested him by yanking his head out of the water by his hair.
He didn’t gasp for air. She still didn’t trust him and pushed his head back underwater. She didn’t know for how long she sat on top of his lifeless body, but she knew she needed to get away before the others found her.
She pushed Ulf’s body further downstream, and watched him float away on his stomach, face down in the water. Cat waded through the river, finding her way back to the river reeds.
Man Bun would go look for Ulf at this exact spot, so instead of sitting still like she’d done earlier, she knew she had to head further upstream.
Just when she passed her original hiding spot, she heard Man Bun shouting down stream. Too far away to decipher his words exactly, she heard his despair in the sound of his voice.
Good. Let him suffer.
Let them all suffer.
One down.
Three to go.