“Like I said weeks ago, those young punks will get what’s coming to them soon enough. They’ll not know what hit them.”
She held eye contact while cautiously scraping the rope against the abrasive tree bark behind her back.
“Why take me then? If you’re already planning something for IVMC?”
She shuddered when his weathered hands engulfed her breasts before rolling her nipples through the fabric of her black shirt. If she wasn’t about to break free from the rope, she would knee his old saggy balls.
“I’ve always known the truth, but tonight had been decisive.”
She twisted her left hand, sticking out her elbow ever so slightly, and asked, “Truth?”
“About you and Demon.”
“There is no me and Demon,” she said while she nudged the rope over the first knuckle of her thumb.
He pinched her nipples, and she shrieked out in horror. “Stop it!”
“Yeah, tell me to stop. Yell at me. Make me hard, bitch. I still have a score to settle with you in my son’s honor.”
Her thumb wormed its way from under the rope before she wormed the rest of her fingers free while her other hand held the rope so it wouldn’t fall to the dirt.
“The thought of Demon going out of his mind without his Whirlwind is almost just as good as the idea of watching you cry when I fuck you against this tree.”
Mud leaned in and she let him, knowing he was getting more and more worked up and less and less vigilant.
His wet tongue touched the side of her throat, giving her the final push she needed before ramming her knee against his balls.
Mud fell to the ground with both hands to his groin, gasping for air. She ran as fast as she could in the opposite direction of the cabin and further into the woods. If she would run over the dirt road the van had used, they could easily spot her.
She heard Mud shouting in agony and the other men asking what happened while she leaped over dead branches, putting more and more distance between her and the cabin. There was no way back now. With her heart racing against her chest, she bit through the pain when she slid on a muddy incline and slammed into a tree.
“Over there!” she heard Man Bun shout.
They were still out of sight, but not for long.
Her boots trampled the dense undergrowth as she picked up her pace. Her lungs burned while the pain of her hurting sides almost became unbearable.
She heard a stream of water in the distance and followed her path in that direction. Hiding out in the river could save her, since she didn’t stand a chance to outrun them for much longer.
Cat crouched near the riverbed, finding a seven-feet high river reed on the opposite side of the river. She softly gasped as she got into the cold, wide river. She kept the water surface just below her chin as her arms tried to work her body through the stream.
She kept her boots on the rocky bottom as she felt the strong force of the water swirl and meander around her.
Mud and the three other bikers appeared out of nowhere further down stream, luckily with their backs towards her and looking in the wrong direction. She slipped into the river reed and sat still in the water for what felt like a lifetime as she waited for them to catch her.
Her favorite leather pants and boots were ruined and would shrink after getting out of the water, but she didn’t give a fuck as long as she could stay out of the hands of these creeps.
With every passing second, her angst amplified. As she sat still, listening for any sounds, it finally hit her what horrors she’d just escaped from.
Demon rammed his fist into the soft paunch of the three hundred pound motherfucker who’d dared deny him access to the Strong Riders’ safe house in the middle of a middle class neighborhood.
Zion closed the front door behind them before leaning back against the door with his arms crossed.