Wolf trampled his smoke in the grass before he picked up the cigarette filter. Ophelia Doukas had been old school in whooping anyone's ass for turning her home into a pigsty. Not that Demon ever crossed the line with Ophelia or Annas; too afraid Annas would send his ass back to his mother. Demon liked how even years after Ophelia’s death, everyone still made sure to respect her rules.
Cat would make a perfect Old Lady to stand by a brother's side. He felt sick to his stomach. The ache to hold her in his arms made him restless. And he was never restless. He always kept his cool. Demon took a deep calming breath through his nose, thinking about all kinds of ways to make the men responsible suffer.
Cat probably wanted in on the fun—just like her half sister, Gwenn, did with her attacker. While some brothers shied away from Cat whenever she got in one of her reckless moods, Demon couldn't wait to poke her some more and watch her olive skin blush a sexy shade of pink while her perky tits would rise and fall as her breathing picked up in anger.
Catriona Walker was like a sleeping volcano; her fire simmered deep inside for years and years, building up to that point of eruption where she’d swallow everyone around her.
"If we don't find her in the next five minutes, we'll have sixty-three new holes to dig," Demon said, referring to the amount of pussies that called themselves Strong Riders.
Wolf shrugged, unbothered by his promise of a massacre. "We'll just add three extra ramps on the dirt bike parkour."
Wolf and Demon held each other's eyes for a nanosecond when they heard shouts coming from inside the house.
Demon entered the house first, walking into brothers putting on their riding gear.
"You found her?" he asked Zeus.
Zeus shook his head. "Not yet. Fox found three good options, though. The first one is a warehouse upstate. Angel and Dragon are on their way over as we speak.”
Demon cracked his knuckles, impatiently waiting on Zeus’ directions.
“The second option is a boathouse along the river bend. We all know which one,” Zeus said.
“The one where those assholes had that fire over a year ago?” Wolf asked.
“Yeah. I think that’s when the Strong Riders first got on Annas’ radar. I’ll bet you anything that meth lab is still operating,” Zeus said.
“I’ll check it out. You with me, Wolf?” Devlin asked.
“Let’s go, brother,” Wolf said with a nod.
“What’s the third option?” Demon asked as he palmed his knife sheath.
“One of their safe houses. Three Strong Riders left the safe house earlier, but they left a prospect behind…” Fox said.
How coincidental that three Strong Riders showed up at the house, taking Cat tonight. Demon liked the odds of them being the same three of the safe house. Since they left a prospect behind, they would show him a visit and find out.
“Address,” Demon said as he opened his phone to his notes app.
Zeus gave him the address and added, “You’re not flying solo, enforcer.”
“Don’t care who’s tagging along. I’m out of here.”
“I’ll go with him,” Zion said to Zeus.
Zion was a good brother to have around. With his seven-foot, excessively muscular frame, their Road Captain looked like one of the meanest of them all. In reality, Zion had the biggest heart and would walk through fire for his brothers. Especially for Crusher.
Demon didn’t care what the two brothers did in their free time; with sharing the sweetbutts and even fucking each other. He knew he could trust Zion. That was all that mattered in his book.
“Keep in touch. You know the drill,” Zeus said with a slap to his back.
“If you find her… save some of the fun for me, will you?” Gwenn said.
Demon shook his head. “These assholes are all mine.”
Gwenn opened her mouth, but Zeus already said, “Now is not the time. Go, D. Go get your Whirlwind back.”
Demon didn’t argue with his best friend about Cat being his. He didn’t fucking care who’d overheard Zeus as he gave in to the fantasy of Cat being his Old Lady.